2021 Goals/Resolutions

  • finish the Supergiro Dolomiti
  • Do a minimum 4-night bikepacking trip
  • bang out a 400 km ride

Only 1 main goal for me

Get back to being healthy after rehabilitation of hip.

Smaller less important goals

Increase FTP to ~270W and get weight back to 65kg both are kinda do able if I manage to get consistency
Bike packing with the wife, well… more touring as I don’t do tents


I’ve got this on my calendar for the week of Christmas next year to revive this thread so keep them coming!

  • Be more present with the family when not riding
  • 500 hours on the bike
  • 4.25 w/kg or 320 watt FTP (whichever comes first)
  • Sticking to a strength training routine
  • 1000 miles on the mountain bike

If @Captain_Doughnutman is going for 5w/kg I’m going for 6. :wink:

Honestly, I have no goals. I just want to continue to have fun. As always, being able to share the experiences with friends, my wife and team mates will be central to the journey.

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:100: x :100:

Additional goal:
Come up with goals of my own instead of borrowing everyone else’s. :persevere:

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You could make it your goal to ride more outdoors, seems quite uncommon around these parts :cowboy_hat_face:



tried pikes peak from manitou springs (big mistake, the highway going up is some of the sketchiest riding ive ever done). didn’t quite have the fitness to handle the steep inclines once we passed the last lodge before the top & ended up bailing with 6ish miles left

2 weeks later we tried mt evans but ended up starting pretty late (8:30 from idaho springs). felt way better physically but we ended up getting rained & then hailed on as we got close to the top, turned around with 3 miles to go & had a hypothermia scare. thank god for echo lake lodge, it had a fire & warm drinks.


I didn’t make any major goals for 2020 (maybe I was able to foresee events lol) so the same goes for 2021. Just enjoying the process of training, and I would like to PR a 100 mile loop I enjoy doing, last year I did it in 5:14, would like to get as close to 5hr as I can. A big endurance goal would be to ride back to back centuries on a weekend, it’s nothing super special but would be fun


I hit most of my process goals for 2020. Didn’t do any events so my performance goals will be pretty much the same

  • 5 w/kg like everyone else. I’m around 4.7 now, got some room to lean out but I’d prefer to push more power
  • Dry january (and maybe feb/march/…) Did it last year and it really set me off well for the year
  • Get cat 2, contingent on races happening
  • I want to not implode when racing in the heat
  • Do some gravel races
  • Eat more pizza
  1. 5k <23m
  2. 10k 45m
  3. Half mara 1h45
  4. Olympic <2h30
  5. Ironman <13h

Thanks for sharing. Pikes Peak is one of my goals this year. I did Mount Evans this year and it was one of the best rides ever, incredibly beautiful. My goal was to do it under 4h and it was accomplished.

What did you attribute this failure to?..Seems like bad pacing, gear selection or altitude issues.

Must have been heartbreaking. When I did it, it started raining a bit at the top, but never felt in danger.

Return to pre-Covid off-bike strength once gym is re-opened and vaccinated.

Enjoy group rides once again (same Covid/vaccination comments)

Prep for 2022 pursuit of age KOM in target USAC hill climb race

Increase my consistency - just reviewed my year and had completed 84% of my scheduled workout time. want to do more than 90% in 2021 and when I don’t feel like training just get on the bike and at least do 15 mins!

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I’m adding this because I think it might help some people with setting their goals and objectives for the year ahead :slight_smile:

How To: Setting Achievable Goals for The New Year (Ask a Cycling Coach 239) - YouTube


bad pacing & just low FTP - I had a 1:1 lowest gear & was still cranking at like 30-50 cadence. could also notice altitude issues trickling in, but it wasn’t too bad. I just didn’t think I could do another 6 miles of it.

the word i’d use was “terrifying”. shivering uncontrollably, had to pick between sleet in my eyes or barely able to see through my sunglasses, brakes whining (thankfully disc, but my buddy literally couldn’t come to a stop with rim brakes the first couple minutes of descending).

:joy: Yeah, I could probably improve my body comp a bit in that regard too. Sometimes this stuff works a little too well nom nom nom nom

Looks like I touched on 4.4 w/kg over the summer, it’d be nice to know how close to 5 I could get with smarter training, same volume.

  • 4.5 w/kg and hold that for key events
  • improve night time snacking habits, see above
  • Test more frequently. Hard to tell what the months of hard work did with minimal testing throughout the year.
  • Continue to make good training notes. I’m working on a summary for 2019 - 2020 which are the first full years I’ve done structured training. Those notes I made are clutch now.
  • Remove guilt from skipping rides.
  • Really dial in the balance of structured riding with important social group rides (what a moving target).
    *Allow time off from the bike to be restorative whenever possible.
  • Actual start strength trading and get back to yoga after a long hiatus.

I tried that too, but sober me just put all of the snacks in the pantry for stoned me to avoid the fridge :pensive:


Break 57:00 for 40K TT before my 57th birthday…