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kJ to Calories Conversion: How many calories do I burn cycling?

Answer: Divide the amount of kJs by 4.184 then divide by .25. Calories burned cycling are dependent on your Gross Metabolic Efficiency, but for most people, it’s between 20-25%. That means for every Calorie you burn produces around 1.045 kilojoules. For practical reasons, most cyclists approximate 1 kJ is equal to 1 Calorie.   In…

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FTP Testing: Outdoors vs. Indoors

Entering winter, as well as transitioning out of the cold-weather months and into spring, are the times riders ask us most to explain the differences between testing their Functional Threshold Power (FTP) outdoors versus indoors. The truth is, there are a lot of variances between the two approaches. However, the goal of assessing FTP is…

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