Your FTP improvements

Right. So maybe doing 260 outside for 20 mins and “only” 250 at ramp test ain’t too bad/incorrect anyway?

But I’m still worried about the results since I’m getting faster without increasing my FTP or maybe I’m just over thinking?

Thanks, solid advice!
Just came off two slow weeks after my A race (with a few lifetime power PRs) so maybe i’m just not mentally ready to go back to training indoors yet. And it was way too warm.

That said, I added 4W to my FTP settings, will give it a shot for a few weeks.

Given measurement error and daily fluctuation and following opinion of some established coaches I would not care about less than 5% changes of your FTP. Or give or take 10W. Your body does not see the difference between 260 and 264 watts in terms of adaptations.


Something is going up!

If the ramp test is a struggle, try a longer test like the Kolie Moore baseline (35-45+ minutes). I find it easier than the standard 20 minute test.

My FTP has flattened out at around 3.6-3.8w/kg for a couple of years now. I’m 51yo, but still fit and active and I reckon there’s more in the tank, but no matter what I do I can’t break 4w/kg. My current FTP (last tested) is 245w. Last year I was 2kg lighter and at 252w. I trained hard this year but felt myself going backwards. The change in plans plus the AT beta I think didn’t help. Training felt ‘choppy’ and inconsistent. I did get a PR for my 10min power, but that’s not much consolation to someone targeting hour long climbs haha.


I feel your pain. Ramps consistently give me low readings compared to something like a 20min test or Kolie Moore’s tests. If I used my Ramp results this year I’d have gone from 240, to 223 to 218… I think mentally when I do a Ramp I just defeat myself as I ‘know’ I’ll suck.

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I think that’s similar for me. I can test nearly 50w higher with a 20mins test :exploding_head:

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Well it’s funny that my comment was from 3 years ago, I’ve had a bit more luck/growth in the time since I think. Currently, I’m training at 290 ftp and I’ve done base build and almost half of CX specialty using adaptive training. While I haven’t changed my ftp this year, I think my power is stronger over shorter durations. I went outdoors today and did a bunch of 2min intervals at over 120% so I’m feeling pretty well prepared for CX season

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Volume + VO2max is your winning combo to smashing a plateau.

Do as much Z2 volume as you possibly can for as long as you can (e.g. 15+ hrs/wk for 3 months).

Do a couple dedicated 2-week VO2max blocks during the year (3-5 sessions/wk).

Focus on rest, recovery, and fatigue management.

You can do it!


That sounds very much like my experience as well. My W/kg has been pretty much static over the last 2-3 years. But since the fitness is improving, maybe I shouldn’t bother too much.

Thanks for the suggestion @AJS914 , great idea! Are you using the ones in Team Gold? Any preference on the different ones? I’m looking at option 1 since taking a FTP test for over 90 mins sounds HORRIBLE, but maybe that’s not really the experience :smiley:

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I just do the Baseline test on my trainer manually (no erg). Warm up for 20 minutes, and then start the test. I use the lap button on my garmin and just look at the test data afterwards in Strava and WKO. WKO has always detected a new mFTP from the effort.

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Are you suggesting exclusively Z2 or just lots on top on a regular TR plan :thinking:

Z2 volume + interval sessions.
My 15hr/wk example was total training volume.

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Took my FTP test today after my first 6 week build block on the Experimental Polarized plan

Old FTP: 221
New FTP: 250 (up by 13%)
W/kg: 2.8

New HR Record: 204. I find this sus cause I think my Wahoo sensor isn’t accurate but it did feel that hard by the end :stuck_out_tongue:

Not bad for my first block of training back on the bike after a year or so. About 17w away from my personal PR of 267 but that was on a different, hub based power meter vs the Tacx Neo I have now. I think the Neo is harder than the other setup.

This was my first block under AT. I’m a believer now. Every workout felt right for the selection. My compliance was around 85% which is so much better than before. The hard days were very hard under POL tho (basically planned my entire week around my 4x16 threshold workout). I do think that those threshold efforts made it possible for me to really hold on during the ramp test.

Back to base again. Thank god. Build was hard.


That’s great work - well done :+1:t2:


I think it’s time for a rest & test week!


Good work! Out of curiosity, which 9.9 Threshold Workout did you do?

Good luck for the test!

Um…I think that’s a cumulative “score”? I don’t know, not really sure how it works. I just signed up cuz I was getting VERY annoyed at the AT pop-up thingy showing every time I logged into my calendar.

Ok…the 9.9 was Velika - 2x40min threshold. Guh. Only me and 1 other guy, but he did it 100%. Lol.


Haha, nice!!

Very impressive!

What is your cycling background what what does a snapshot of your weekly training look like?