Which training phase/plan next?


I am training towards a Half Iron man event first weekend of July this year. I have completed the base and now into the build phase of the Half Iron man plans (both low volume) I have a 8 week slot at the end of the build phase, where I can fit another plan in before then going onto the specialty phase.

Would doing the build again be a bad choice? is there a better plan I could select ?


I’d suggest you do a second base now and move your build back to start when that finishes


Thanks for the feedback, I didn’t realize base was going to be preferred over build. I will switch my plans around to suit.


Yes as above. If extra time then recommendation is usually
Base 1
Base 2
Base 2

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Where you say Base 2 are you just saying a second one or a particular Base ? like Sweet Spot Base Volume 2 ? The reason I ask, is I have done the Half Iron Man Base, which means there isn’t a 2nd part, so I was just going to do Half Iron Man again with my new FTP.

Ah sorry, I meant ssb1 and ssb2. Unfamiliar with iron man plans as idea of swimming or running is crazy in my world!!!:joy::joy::joy:

haha no problem, thanks for the useful feedback and confirming.


To reiterate what’s been said here, we usually recommend repeating Base before repeating Build. Here’s an article from our Help Center that may be a good resource for you:


Thanks, I will check that out.