What workout did you do today? (2023)

Been spending more time outside over the last couple weeks with my first race coming up, but back on the trainer for a Sweet Spot session today.


Nice to see Coach Chad in this oldie but goodie. I like Sweet Spot!


I’m really bad at these. Did not meet the power target even for a second. :frowning:. Wow. So weak.


Got a drop in ftp from AI FTP detection from 252 to 246. Declined it. :sweat_smile:. Workouts have been going great, with summer here I have been doing them outside. That could be why it went down? Perhaps I’m not executing well. Here’s todays ride, it’s about as good as I can do 3x8 min and 1x9 min @240. I have missed 3-4 rides this last block too with being out of town, so that could be it too. Going to keep on at 252



+3 vo2max PL for this one, most likely because I think it was my first one.

It was a really great ride that dramatically improved my day.


Did another Vo2 workout this monday, finally felt good and also was able to get the Breathing and HR where it should be. Power could be a bit better but I’m doing them as hard starts and with high cadence so I just hang on after about 2 minutes, thought about doing 5 instead of 4 intervalls but after the forth I was really spent and thought I leave that for friday.




First workout since Saturday, somehow threw my back out doing a brick (I’m not even 30?) and took some time off. Still have some minor issues but just can’t keep myself out for too long. Might just bike till it’s better.

Managed to snag a gen1 kickr for a 100 bucks, this was my first erg ride. Kept it in the big ring, definitely felt better than the small. Won’t miss changing out tires for the Kurt Kinetic!


Still spending a lot of time outside with a race last qeekend, or just recovery /endurance spins on the trainer.

Squeezed in what will likely be my last hard trainer workout in a while with taper, a race and a camp coming up.

Up to 4x25 Sweet Spot at 90%. TR has me at a level 10 now, good sign it felt fairly middle of the road hard.


How do I get a Strava recorded run into TR?

@joex Export from Strava and manually import into TR?

Seems impossible on iOS. Ah well. I’d thought it would synch across from Strava.

Vo2max snowshoe fire. 4×5mins @ 106%. 3wks in to build phase. Its tough but once the rides are over, i love it lol


My runs load automatically. I think they might be coming from my garmin watch to both Strava and TR.


I feel like an old rag now


Feeling vindicated that I didn’t accept the lower FTP, this was a +0.8 PL increase for me, was worried about it. Almost switched to a lower alternate, but figured loud enough rocky 4 soundtrack would get it done.

I was expecting an all out, ended up feeling very hard as most threshold workouts do for me.


Black Hawk -3 (fail)

Well, that didn’t go well. Not a good way to begin Specialty. Legs were still tired from this weekend even though it was the end of a recovery week. Poor sleep, starting a new job, and some other life stress didn’t help either.


Came back from work a bit knackered, ate some cake as a pre workout snack, realised I was actually super tired and should probably take a rest day, then felt guilty because I’d eaten cake and I don’t need cake on a rest day, turned TR on and walked into this fucking horrorshow: 5*5@400W.

Honestly I’m surprised I got that far.

PS the brief fourth interval drop was my stomach rejecting the aforementioned cake. I felt as I was no longer ‘effectively fuelled’ for the workout I could accept a 5% intensity drop.


NGL, I’m slightly upset that you’re in danger of ruining the good name of cake …