What workout did you do today? (2020, part 2)

On the topic of fail…

Last week was a good old fashioned overload week, add several dashes of work stress, holiday shopping, Christmas card letter writing, and preparing to spend some time in the mountains :christmas_tree: :snowboarder: :snowman_with_snow: and that means I’ve been burning the candle at both ends.

Yesterday’s indoor workout (recorded on Garmin 530, so TR thinks its outside):

After trying a short recovery and failing, pulled the plug and all I could think of was this song:

“I have never failed to fail
Heeeeeyyyyyy ey ey ey ey
Heeeeeyyyyyy ey ey ey ey
Heeeeeyyyyyy ey ey ey ey”

Embrace the fail :metal: You know you’re right.