What Is THAT, or Buried Treasure in the Workout Catalog

I wonder if there is a way to ‘complete’ TR by doing every workout… :slight_smile:


You could gameify it a bit and handout some kind of “completetion”. Like in games, you could categorize it: % VO2, % threshold; % base / build; % for total workouts. Classify it in durations (like “you are the hour king”).

Could be fun to spice things up a little. And then have a leaderboard, but perhaps that overdoes it a bit.


I like an O/U session but man alive! Just checked the All Rides tab and I’m surprised by just how many people have completed this workout. Massive kudos.


I would love to see some kind of metric as to how many of the thousands of TR workouts I have “completed”.
Would be fun to track and would incentivise me to look for different workouts rather than stick with the ones I already know.

Ouch :persevere:

I agree, this would be fun! Would make it more interesting when I’m doing an easy/recovery ride to pick one of the many different variations to change things up a bit

2 months ago I had Wright Peak on the schedule (3x30min SS) and kept putting it off until later in the day. So when I finally got on the bike I called myself a wimp and told myself I wasn’t going to take any rest intervals. So I ended up doing 1:40 at about 90% without any breaks. It was hugely mentally difficult but not too bad physically. I had a good movie to distract me and ate and drank a bunch. I haven’t done anything like that since haha I definitely put a lot of mental energy into it and that took a toll.


Right now the temperature in my garage is high enough that Eclipse (3x20 SS) was ROUGH at the end.

Hands-up, I’m totally addicted to sweetspot! Haven’t done Pendleton yet, but Whiteside +2, Marcus Baker, etc - these are my staple sessions, yep.

But anyone who has done a decent 100m TT has pretty much trumped anything in the workout catalogue; I estimate 3:30-4h at 85-90%. And the only breaks you get are negotiating roundabouts.


Yup – Dade vs. its +/- variants?

Came across this gem today, workout isn’t all that odd but I really liked the text::


Maggie’s is a mess of subtle intensity changes spread over the course of a 1-hour Tempo workout that spends most of its duration between 67-72% FTP, but every so often, the watts hold a peak 80% FTP for 60 seconds at a time.


Anything from the trail trainer series.


I once discovered “Red Slate” when I needed to just cram a short-surgey workout in to build my race “suffering” ability. I had no idea what I was about to do to myself… it was awful.


I’ve done that one loads of times, I will often filter by “newest” to see what;s been added. Maggies is a good one to clone in WC and set the 10 increases to various percentages. Electra is another rarely seen one I like.


I look through all the time when I get bored with the same workouts.
I found one that I really like. Red Kaweah


Merriam is one of my “go to” workouts and I wonder why it’s not in any plan…?


Looks like Clark and Ericsson had a baby named Merriam


Good Lord! :exploding_head:

Try Polar Bear +1, 105 mins straight @ sweetspot

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I love Merriam!! And chamberlain and occasionally east vidette. I even made my own 75 minute version of Eagle Scout (just one extra rep). It’s a pretty good burner. But I think my favorite non-plan workout is Needham with Dana as a close second. Needham is great for a long sustained burn with little pinches, much like riding around in central MA where as Dana is a good way to work 120% intervals into an already hard workout format. A pretty decent way to tell if your FTP is accurate.


Met Boxley trying to find something fun for the end of a recovery week:

I’m still looking.

(The really fun part is this account I found in the ride history. Real devs test in prod.)