Anyway if I’m having this experience on a semi-regular basis, other people probably are too, and that’s just a lot of untapped potential for hilarity, SO: What are your favorites?
Recently looked at the real Dade. My plan had Dade+1, which is 3 sets of 3 x 2.5min at 120% with longish 4min recovery.
The real Dade has 3 sets of 3x 2min, but the middle set is at 135%. And only 2min recovery. Urgh.
The climb on the Thwaite to Muker road passes several 20-metre-deep limestone potholes (caves) called The Buttertubs. The road is named after them and featured in an edition of the Tour de Yorkshire.
I wonder if there is a workout that just gets you to sit at “sweetspot” for as long as possible - you know the sort of ‘mid’ range of whatever you sweet spot zone numbers are.
In fact - that might be a good challenge - do a warmup and then see how long you can hold the exact mid point of sweet spot for - it ought to be a looooooong time for some of the complete hitters on here.
Polar Bear +1 or go outside and ride at SweetSpot on a climb for as long as possible. I did the latter a couple of times but I’ve never done more than 90 minutes at 90%. I don’t think I could do it on the trainer though.
Race simulations are almost always a poor substitute for actual races, so if you have the opportunity to race, then by all means, race. If, however, a real race is not an option, use this 45-minute torture-fest to really beat yourself up.**
Don’t see any of those workouts popping up regularly in the forum Workout thread
Well, I did Tallac + 4 yesterday, and that was basically that: 2 hours of sweet spot (88-94%), with only 4 minutes rest in between the intervals (making 6 intervals of 15 minutes).