Looking for feedback on the best way(s) to use plan builder to facilitate my non-racing goals.
I want to be in my best shape for a period of time, i.e. June-September. Plan builder forces you to choose an end date / plan duration, so it gets a little weird. I am not necessarily trying to hit a peak.
For cycling trips, what’s the best way to enter these in? Stage race? Unlike a race I may not know the routes, durations, and intensities that far in advance. Are there some safe generic settings I can put in?
I just built a plan last week. Climbing road race. Med volume and selected 4 days, not 5 days of training. No race scheduled. The plan ends in week 23 of next year. Has 3 base phases, then build and then speciality. I think the end date was built in. I did not select it.
Hey @mikethewhite!
One way top approach this is to build a Training Plan that ends at the beginning of June. For this Training Plan, select the General Fitness goal that best describes your goal for the beginning of the season (Increasing FTP, Improving Cllimbing, Building Endurance, Getting Faster for Group Rides, General Fitness or Maintaining Fitness). In other words, how would you describe the way you want your fitness to change from now until June in a couple of words?
At the beginning of June, build a new 3-4 month Training Plan and select Maintaining Fitness as your Goal. This Training Plan is great for a maintenance phase.
If you don’t want to taper for these cycling trips, schedule them as C races. Don’t worry about getting the Event Durations exactly right. The exact length and duration of the Stage Race is less relevant than the A/B/C prioritisation. You can learn more about how Event Prioritisation affects Your Training Plan and Adaptations here.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have questions!
@SarahLaverty I’m a little confused since “Maintaining Fitness” still seems to run through the classic base/build/specialty phases. Is this intended?
Yep, this is intentional! It depends on several factors, such as the length of your Training Plan.
Even when your goal is Maintaining Fitness, we want to ensure you are tapping into a variety of energy systems so that your fitness remains well- rounded! 
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