Upload Run and Swim workouts from Garmin/Strava to TR calendar (Feature Request)

Here you go!

(1 to 5 scale with 1 = not at all 5 = very likely )

  1. Import completed run activities into the TR calendar: 5
  2. Automatically associate imported completed run activities with planned run activities: 5
  3. See my run personal records across season and individual workouts (distance based and time IE best 5k time): 4
  4. Automatically detect my FTP and develop training zones from it: 5 for Bike / 2 for Run
  5. Have run workouts in Tri/running training plans adapt with AT: 3 - I’m not training for a Tri presently
  6. Running specific training plans that target 5k, 10k, HM, M or distances that work with PB: 3 - I’m not presently training for a run event, but if I were I can see where this would be useful, especially if it were as good as TR is for cycling
  7. Paced based workouts create from unique running progression levels and running FTP: 3 - see #6
  8. Send run workouts to my watch to complete outdoors 3 - see #6
  9. Stryd foot pod support 3 - see #6
  10. Other comments Please support import/sync from/with other services besides Strava for non-bike activities AND include appropriate meta-data in any exports from TR that accurately tag the activity type (run, swim, xc ski, strength workout, etc…)

Thank you!

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What other services besides Strava and Garmin?

I use a Suunto watch for all non-bike activities and dabble w Intervals.icu for my inner geek. Suunto workouts Sync w Strava, but when imported into TR via file uploads, I don’t know if all the data captured by my Suunto watch survives the journey via Strava. Then when syncing my TR calendar w Intervals, it doesn’t handle completed non-bike workouts properly. That could be an Intervals limitation, but I wondered if it’s also a factor of the meta-data that’s shared out from TR.

I don’t expect TR to allocate any developer time to other platforms with a small (minuscule) # of users, but having a robust import/export and sync capability with raw files could be useful and give TR users a lot of flexibility to build their overall training ecosystem around TR.

@Nate_Pearson A quick note: I use intervals.icu primarily to capture my overall training load and to project how other activities (outside rides, gym sessions, xc skis, etc… ) may impact my training load in the future, precisely the sort of insights I look forward to getting via TR when outside rides (and runs?) are contemplated by AT.

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I enabled my marketing email setting but here goes, 5 me want, 1 me not bothered

  1. import completed run activities into the TR calendar 5
  2. automatically associate imported completed run activities with planned run activities 4
  3. See my run persona records across season and individual workouts (distance based and time IE best 5k time) 3
  4. automatically detect my FTP and develop training zones from it. 4
  5. have run workouts in Tri/running training plans adapt with AT 5
  6. running specific training plans that target 5k, 10k, HM, M or distances that work with PB 5
  7. paced based workouts create from unique running progression levels and running FTP 4
  8. Send run workouts to my watch to complete outdoors 5
  9. Stryd foot pod support 1

Long term I see myself moving to a stryd but I don’t think the running world is there. Very similar to cycling when I took on TR, most everyone in running just says “run more”. Triathletes however are forced to find optimal low volume strategies.


And here comes mine: 5 me want, 1 me not bothered

  1. import completed run activities into the TR calendar 5
  2. automatically associate imported completed run activities with planned run activities 5
  3. See my run persona records across season and individual workouts (distance based and time IE best 5k time) 3
  4. automatically detect my FTP and develop training zones from it. 2
  5. have run workouts in Tri/running training plans adapt with AT 5
  6. running specific training plans that target 5k, 10k, HM, M or distances that work with PB 2
  7. paced based workouts create from unique running progression levels and running FTP 1
  8. Send run workouts to my watch to complete outdoors 3
  9. Stryd foot pod support 1
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  1. import completed run activities into the TR calendar 5
  2. automatically associate imported completed run activities with planned run activities 4
  3. See my run personal records across season and individual workouts (distance based and time IE best 5k time) 2
  4. automatically detect my FTP and develop training zones from it. 3
  5. have run workouts in Tri/running training plans adapt with AT 5
  6. running specific training plans that target 5k, 10k, HM, M or distances that work with PB 3
  7. paced based workouts create from unique running progression levels and running FTP 4
  8. Send run workouts to my watch to complete outdoors 3
  9. Stryd foot pod support 1
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I’m guessing the reason why you don’t want us to create workouts for you is that you do your own run programming?

I think this is also one of those features many cyclists might not realize they like until they have it. (Also it may convert an odd soul to doing duathlons/tri :wink:). What would be really nice is to see how running or a volume of running affects subsequent bike workouts. A lot of cyclists pick up running in an off season, and relating stress between sports would be super cool without having to buy TrainingPeaks or learn goldencheetah to monitor compliance rate.

  1. import completed run activities into the TR calendar 5
  2. automatically associate imported completed run activities with planned run activities 5
  3. See my run personal records across season and individual workouts (distance based and time IE best 5k time) 3
  4. automatically detect my FTP and develop training zones from it. 1
  5. have run workouts in Tri/running training plans adapt with AT 1
  6. running specific training plans that target 5k, 10k, HM, M or distances that work with PB 1
  7. paced based workouts create from unique running progression levels and running FTP 3
  8. Send run workouts to my watch to complete outdoors 3
  9. Stryd foot pod support 1

1 being don’t care 5 being like it a lot if I read it right. Reason being is I hear so much on the podcast about all the ideas you want to explore and like you said earlier: market share. Trainerroad is a market of cyclists primarily. Just auto upload run (and/or other disciplines like strength or swim) workouts would be a nice “minimum” that might help explain leg fatigue in a plan for multi sport athletes.


So cool you’re posting here @Nate_Pearson , super thanks!

  1. import completed run activities into the TR calendar 5 → my frame of reference is running for Tri, so item 1 & 2 are essential.
  2. automatically associate imported completed run activities with planned run activities 5 See above.
  3. See my run personal records across season and individual workouts (distance based and time IE best 5k time) 3Just to keep track of progress for Tri
  4. automatically detect my FTP and develop training zones from it. 3Detect training zones from running based on speed/HR (and known HR performance from cycling): yes! But FTP implies measuring power, and I’m simply not convinced this can be done accurately at the moment. E.g. RunScribe and Stryd are known to have significant deviations. I simply wouldn’t get into this mess. And vendor lock-in isn’t nice too. Let’s have basic running, with speed, HR, RPE integrated in our training load, and perhaps a little guidance. This is already a complete winner for Tri.
  5. have run workouts in Tri/running training plans adapt with AT 2See all of the above, would be nice, but is really a stretch goal. If kept very simple but a bit dynamic, that is already nice.
  6. running specific training plans that target 5k, 10k, HM, M or distances that work with PB 1No, as TR will already have Triathlon specific plans, I don’t see significant value there. To me, the proposition is to be great at cycling, and then to properly cater to Tri people. Not to independently do running. Maybe in the long term, if the Tri part is really covered. If the business case is there to get running-only users onto TR, and that helps running features: sure. But not at the cost of basic Tri features and integration with TR.
  7. paced based workouts create from unique running progression levels and running FTP 3To me this looks synonymous with item 4, as FTP and speed are almost interchangeable in running for a single person, just not between people. Of course we can correct instantaneous FTP vs speed based on grade, but we can’t accurately correct for drag, which depends on instantaneous wind conditions/terrain. Nor for the surface, which also matters. So progression levels/zones are super nice and useful, but FTP doesn’t make sense. For lack of accurate measurement, let’s leave that to cycling.
  8. Send run workouts to my watch to complete outdoors 2Could be very nice, but I fear this costs a lot of resources that could be spend on other Tri features. Also, there’s so many watches to support. To seriously support Tri, I’d love to have item 1&2 + progression levels/zones for swimming first! Then Tri would be on the basic level feature complete. With the ML for HR already in TR, I think then we can monitor our total training load accurately. And having zones/progressions for all three sports makes it uniform and just very cool.
  9. Stryd foot pod support 1See all of the above.
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i only received a Survey for “AI FTP Detection” but not for “Running features”, how i can get it?

  1. import completed run activities into the TR calendar 5 → Essential for both running and Swimming
  2. automatically associate imported completed run activities with planned run activities 5 > Essential for both running and Swimming
  3. See my run personal records across season and individual workouts (distance based and time IE best 5k time) 3 → Nice to have
  4. automatically detect my FTP and develop training zones from it. 3 → We would need to have a running power meter. Would be pretty cool, but as a first step, pace based would work fine for me
  5. have run workouts in Tri/running training plans adapt with AT 4 → Adapting the plan based on combined cycling and running form would be a big plus for triathletes.
  6. running specific training plans that target 5k, 10k, HM, M or distances that work with PB 1 → that would target runners primarily. Whereas I do sometimes train for 5k, 10k, my main focus is on tri
  7. paced based workouts create from unique running progression levels and running FTP 5 → having something like that or even a bit less dynamic would make me use the run workout of TR. I simply can’t follow the RPE-based ones.
  8. Send run workouts to my watch to complete outdoors 4 → that would definitely be a big help, but probably not the first thing to release
  9. Stryd foot pod support 1 → nice to have
  10. Other Comments:
    Would be great to start somewhere and evolve it over time.
    Having #1 and #2 would make me ditch one platform and use TR as my main calendar (assuming the swim is also part of it!)
    Having #7 would make me use TR for my run workouts (within a tri plan) and hence ditch another platform. #8 would also be a plus here
    Having #4, #5 start to get way more complicated but also really interesting.
  • import completed run activities into the TR calendar 5
  • automatically associate imported completed run activities with planned run activities 5
  • See my run personal records across season and individual workouts (distance based and time IE best 5k time) 2
  • automatically detect my FTP and develop training zones from it. 1
  • have run workouts in Tri/running training plans adapt with AT 2
  • running specific training plans that target 5k, 10k, HM, M or distances that work with PB 1
  • paced based workouts create from unique running progression levels and running FTP 1
  • Send run workouts to my watch to complete outdoors 5
  • Stryd foot pod support 5
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import completed run activities into the TR calendar 5

automatically associate imported completed run activities with planned run activities 5

See my run personal records across season and individual workouts (distance based and time IE best 5k time) 2

automatically detect my FTP and develop training zones from it. 5 No point in supporting Stryd if you don’t do this.

have run workouts in Tri/running training plans adapt with AT 5 this is massive. No point in incorporating run/swim if the whole system doesn’t adapt.

running specific training plans that target 5k, 10k, HM, M or distances that work with PB 1

paced based workouts create from unique running progression levels and running FTP 1

Send run workouts to my watch to complete outdoors 1

Stryd foot pod support 5 - this is standard now on TP, Strava, Intervals.icu and final surge. The list goes on. It would be a backwards step to not future proof yourselves by not using running power data.

Nearly all of the features you moot are standard on a wide range of services so to incorporate them now is just playing catch up. Using them for AT would be being ahead of the game.

  • import completed run activities into the TR calendar 5 would love to have swim activities too even just as an import
  • automatically associate imported completed run activities with planned run activities 5
  • See my run personal records across season and individual workouts (distance based and time IE best 5k time) 1 already in Strava / Garmin
  • automatically detect my FTP and develop training zones from it. 4 only if FTP is a pace equivalent based rather than power based
  • have run workouts in Tri/running training plans adapt with AT 5 My big fear on this is that the intensity would be set too high. I can do lots of intensity on the bike, but if I start replicating it on the run my ankles get injured. I look to do one run interval workout a week, then keep the rest at zone 2 to build up the long term ability to handle load
  • running specific training plans that target 5k, 10k, HM, M or distances that work with PB 3 I am tri focused, but did target a HM during lockdown
  • paced based workouts create from unique running progression levels and running FTP 1
  • Send run workouts to my watch to complete outdoors 2 assuming the mechanics are similar to sending ride workouts to my watch so would not take up too much development time
  • Stryd foot pod support 1 but would buy a foot pod if this was needed for AT

@Nate_Pearson, thanks for listening to us whiny triathletes :grinning:

1 not important, 5 most important.

  • import completed run activities into the TR calendar 5, same for swim workouts
  • automatically associate imported completed run activities with planned run activities 5
  • See my run personal records across season and individual workouts (distance based and time IE best 5k time) 1
  • automatically detect my FTP and develop training zones from it. 3 WAY more people use pace &/or heart rate, not power
  • have run workouts in Tri/running training plans adapt with AT 5 I feel like this would be needed to take into account current running load/duration to avoid causing injuries when jumping between base->build->back to base->and back up to specialty. I’ve reported some pretty dangerous running progressions with Plan Builder.
  • running specific training plans that target 5k, 10k, HM, M or distances that work with PB 3
  • paced based workouts create from unique running progression levels and running FTP 3
  • Send run workouts to my watch to complete outdoors 3
  • Stryd foot pod support 1
  1. Import completed run activities into the TR calendar: 5
  2. Automatically associate imported completed run activities with planned run activities: 5
  3. See my run personal records across season and individual workouts (distance based and time IE best 5k time): 4
  4. Automatically detect my FTP and develop training zones from it: 5 for Bike / 5 for Run
  5. Have run workouts in Tri/running training plans adapt with AT: 5 - DUATHLON too
  6. Running specific training plans that target 5k, 10k, HM, M or distances that work with PB: 1 - I’m not presently training for a run event, but if I were I can see where this would be useful, especially if it were as good as TR is for cycling
  7. Paced based workouts create from unique running progression levels and running FTP: **5 *
  8. Send run workouts to my watch to complete outdoors *1
  9. Stryd foot pod support **5 - *
  10. Other comments start a Cooperation with STRYD like Strava, think they are a open minded company like TR)
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Sorry, my answers were misleading.
The running workouts in the Triathlon LD plan helped me to finish my first Ironman successfully. I personally just don’t have interest in running programs outside of Triathlon plans.

The reason, why I rated Nr. 4 and 7 low, is the topography in my region. Pace based workouts are impossible to follow here. Maybe HR could work, but I went quite well with the RPE based workouts in the Triathlon plans.

So I would want to use workouts in triathlon plans. :slight_smile:

same here.

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  1. import completed run activities into the TR calendar 5
  2. automatically associate imported completed run activities with planned run activities 3
  3. See my run personal records across season and individual workouts (distance based and time IE best 5k time) 4
  4. automatically detect my FTP and develop training zones from it 3
  5. have run workouts in Tri/running training plans adapt with AT 3
  6. running specific training plans that target 5k, 10k, HM, M or distances that work with PB 3
  7. paced based workouts create from unique running progression levels and running FTP 3
  8. Send run workouts to my watch to complete outdoors 2
  9. Stryd foot pod support 4
  10. Other comments: I like to do my own run/swim workouts, but tracking it and using that info to improve/adapt my bike workouts would be great. Adding power based training for running might push me to get a Stryd or other power based running device.
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We should probably have called this FTP Pace or threshold pace or something like that.

Hmmm…this is a great point and we should STRONGLY consider what we call it.

We added this one because we wonder if there’s a demand for people to have a run-focused off-season to something like that. Even some cyclists might want to try a 10k in the off-season for some variety/cross training.

You’re right on this. It’s not going to be as accurate as a power meter. But we do think there’s value to say “run between a 8:00-8:20 mile for 5 miles”. A lot of people don’t know how fast to run every day and even a range like that that gives you wiggle room for wind/terrain would be benefical.