TP Plans duration limits per week?

I am preparing for a 3 months bikepacking event. I have completed a 3 months training plan to raise my FTP and now I am starting a general fitness plan for 2 months. I have played around with the plan builder a bit but it seems that the training duration per week is somehow limited to 5 hrs max. Given all the buzz around Zone 2 training I was wondering why TP plans do not include longer Zone 2 work? If you can invest more time a week (say 8 to 9 hrs) would it be beneficial to swap some hard sessions with long endurance rides? Curious to get your feedback. Thanks!

in the plan builder you can change the duration. Well, at leas that’s what I did. I’m planning for the Amstel Gold Race 150km tourride in april. At first it gave me 3 intensive trainings of 1h, and 1x 30m endurance/recovery midweek and on sunday 1h30 endurance. I changed the duration’s in the proposed plan to 1h and the weekend ride to 2h. I could even change it to 3h/4h if I wanted to. TR will work with that.

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Thank you very much for the hint, I haven’t realized that this will impact the whole plan. Just tried it and it worked.