The perception of time is slowed in response to exercise

I’ve only skimmed this study but can certainly relate to time seemingly slowing down during hard intervals.

The perception of time is slowed in response to exercise, an effect not further compounded by competitors: behavioral implications for exercise and health

Andrew Mark Edwards, Stein Gerrit Paul Menting, Marije Titia Elferink-Gemser, Florentina Johanna Hettinga

The main finding from this study was that time distortion occurs during uncapped self-paced exercise, compared to resting state, resulting in the perception of time apparently slowing down, that is, appears to run slower than the running, chronological clock. This effect was independent of the RPE, which is a novel finding.

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Without reading the article, I’d say that time definitely slows down during intervals but its definitely also associated to RPE :joy:


Some really smart guy w/ weird hair once had a theory about time being relative……:disguised_face:


Set up your trainer on the moon, prob solved.

Isn’t this a long known phenomenon when the brain experiences fight/flight


For people that thought the ‘Y2K’ was a world changing catastrophe, imagine the fallout for the first child born on a different rock orbiting this Sun!

Everyone will have to add a ‘PLANET:’ line to their forms. ALL of them.

San Diego, California, Earth…

Oh boy, imagine the fun…

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My experience has been different. Workouts I’m doing seem to rip past. Like wow, I’ve just ridden my killer zone 5 workout, and it’s only been a half hour, and the wife is convinced it’s been ‘over an hour’!

I didn’t need a scientific article to tell me that and I can tell the article the conclusion for their follow up paper too: time slows down even more on the trainer than when doing the same workout on the road

Yes, but it’s a different context and for a different reason. This is oversimplified, but memories are normally “stored” and processed in the hippocampus structure of the brain. When we’re afraid though, the amygdala is activated and memories are “stored” there as well. Since the feeling of time passing can only be realized in the context of memories, the additional memories in the amygdala makes it feel like time slows down. David Eagleman came up with a very clever way to test this and wrote an interesting paper about it: