The end of Mavic

YMMV but my Mavic wheels were always pretty much bullet proof. I had a Ksyrium drop into an expansion joint in the road once that grabbed the wheel, brought the bike to an instant halt, flung me over the bars, and twisted my bars/stem dramatically. I figured he wheel was trashed, but it wasn’t even a millimeter out of true. Very well made.

I still have a set of Ksyrium Allroad on my cross/gravel rig, and even a cheap Aksium on my commuter.

The thing is, almost any innovative product will create as many haters as lovers. People’s opinions change rapidly when they feel theyve been mistreated, perhaps in a warranty claim it would appear?

But to each their own. I’d hate to see them go away, but the market determines the winners, so we will see.