STRAVA Launches Participation Trophies

Totally weak and useless much like the years ago PR fiasco. Something like PR on first attempt. Also, diff trophy for yearly vs all time PR. I don’t remember the details, but that “feature” got rolled back. Perhaps this one will too :man_shrugging:

I don’t see the same negative impact with the new feature when compare to the PR mess. I bet the new one lives quite a while unless they come up with something “improved” in the near future.

I was all pre-warned/informed and had the insider word on this… but this is completely useless when Australia isn’t even in the projected roll-out timeline.

They’ve simplified the subscription model. Great. Now they provide different levels of service (or features) depending where you ride? That’s shit.

Call it beta. Call it Strava Labs. If they’re going to start carving up subscribers like this then don’t call it a feature.



In the end, it’s all participation trophies. KOMS, segments, Strava badges, etc.

I somehow managed to grab a KOM by accident and had to laugh.

If it provides motivation to ride more and it recognizes people who are consistent, can’t hurt.

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How about first starting with cleaning up the stupid proliferation of overlapping segments? Or giving you a view that shows all segments that overlap, and letting you select just the version you want, and hide all the others? Here in the Bay Area there are so many stretches that have multiple segments.

Or give me the ability to rank how I’ve done on a particular segment by NP, and not time. For me, time is useless as it’s determined by drafting and wind, not how I’m actually going.


Don’t understand that feature. If the segment is on my work commute, I can probably ride it 300 times a year and never actually try to PR it. Who cares about that? If anything, I’m not sure I’d want statistical proof of how often I’d ridden that particular street.

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As a 6’2" 209lb 40 year old struggler, all i want is digital cups for each weight category and notifications whenever a kom in that category is beaten.

Not every cyclist is stick thin.



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I’m personally underwhelmed by this new feature however can see how it may appeal to someone else.

A feature that would be VERY helpful would be to be able to filter and sort starred segments.

Another useful (but potentially more tricky?) would be to be able to see segments where I have achieved a Top-5 position. There are many more segments where I’ve got 2nd or 3rd rather than the KoM and I’d like the ability to see these. It’s motivational and also useful to see ones I could ‘target’ for my training.

I imagine in both cases the data is there behind the system so just needs accessing?

Anyone on here proficient in ‘coding’ ? - a third option would be a ‘search’ facility to seek out local segments of a certain length (either in terms of physical length or time taken for the current KoM). By way of example, a friend of mine seems to do very well for segments that take around 2 to 3 minutes - in fact it’s his forte’. He would love the ability to ‘search’ for these locally on Strava. Would this type of facility be very difficult to ‘code’ ?


I would honestly pay for Strava to flush all the segments and start again. Some cities have an insane amount of segments to begin with. Then every Fred has divided those segments up where they went fastest for two pedal strokes, with a tailwind, and drafting a bus.


They took a cue from the Singletracks App. In Singletrack, the person who checks in and reports trail conditions most frequently on a trail gets the designation of “Sheriff”, including a badge for your profile. However, there is no getting out of speeding tickets with that badge.

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One of Strava’s biggest failures is their inability to add an effective moderation layer on top of Segments to increase their quality.

It would take a dedicated and concerted effort at this point to fix it and I doubt they would do it, but if they did, I’d start paying them again.


I was wondering what the point of Local Legends was. Besides commuters, some peeps simply have preferred routes and ride them repeatedly. Whattabout getting bored with a route and riding another? There goes your LL. And furthermore, I’d respect a LL more if there were no rolling window. Dude(tte) lived in town for twenty years and climbed that segment a thousand times? That’s more legendary.


I agree with the first bit.

But as anonymous data, 300 rides shows that a particular street is ‘safe’, or at least popular, to ride so that might help other new cyclists plan how they can commute?

It might even help a town planner turn some streets cycle only, or more likely, which streets deserve some cycle lane paint

I would highly recommend taking a trip to

where you can see a lot of this analysis has already been done.
And there’s lot of other great stuff like Eddington number and Explorer Tiles…


Isn’t that information in their heat maps?

I’m not sure about the safety aspect - my commute route into town is the quickest, but I wouldn’t describe it as the safest (due to a main cross roads in it) - there are a lot of other routes I could be taking, all that I would think are safer and nicer, but slower.

Maybe if you have a lot of people riding a segement, that might be true, but one person riding it repeatedly isn’t realky enough for that conusion I think.

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Like someone else said, this is already in their heat map and a part of their new route planner. It takes into account the number of rides on a road when it takes you from point to point. Maybe this helps to put a number on it but it was already available in some form.

And I believe I’ve read that they’ve been trying to do this for years with mixed success. I don’t know how common it is for pure commuters to use Strava so the data might not be the best indication of where people are actually riding.

Agreed if it’s only one person and I don’t know if the heat maps take commutes into account.

Perhaps there’s a commuter heat map function?

Oh I see. I thought heat maps were just rides not commutes.

At least it’s some evidence for someone to show their town council/planners that cycling has increased?

It’s not great I admit. But if I was travelling to a city for work then it would be nice to know the fastest/safest way out. Hopefully the hotel would know but…
Not really needed at the moment though!

I got the local legend badge thing today. I pass this one segment 4x per week. When I uploaded my run I got the You’re a local legend on cuz segment. :roll_eyes: