Running and the calendar!

I did a search and it’s been mentioned a few times but I wanna get more thumbs. I just want …

  • auto import of running activities into TR (configurable for those who might not care to mix the two)
  • auto calculation of running tss (based on a value I input for 1hr threshold)

The first one has got to be easy right?


They are already working behind the scenes to pull in run and swim workouts. It’s been acknowledged more than once from TR reps on the forum. So #1 will happen.

Not sure what they plan for stress tracking on runs or swims. I haven’t seen anything concrete on that.

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Hey there!

The first bullet point, as Chad mentioned, is on our Development Roadmap.

As for the second point, in the distant future we are interested in developing analytics and analysis for running, however, our focus for now is building the best cycling training platform we possibly can :+1:.

Thanks so much for reaching out with your suggestions!


Thanks Bryce. I know it has been beaten to death. I just thought I would try and get some extra thumbs up for all the multi-sport athletes out there. In my humble opinion TrainerRoad is already the best cycling training platform available :slight_smile:


As a keen runner, also very much looking forward to both features


In terms of autocalculation of running TSS, take a look at the (free) Elevate plug-in for Strava. It will also display ATL, CTL, etc.

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+1 for both!

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Is there any update on this?

Done a bunch of runs over the last 2 months and wondering whether I should import them one by one manually.

This implementation is quite a ways out per TR reps.
Best to do manual for now and the near future.

Edit to add links to TR info.


Thanks, and for the linking the posts