Polar H9 draining batteries for fun

Where’d you buy the batteries from?

There are a LOT of fake ones out there that will last between a week and ‘not even work at all’ in the use case we use them for. If you bought them on eBay they’re almost certainly fake IME


Yup, unit had been in an airing cupboard thats always 28C+ and bone dry. Battery door was also left open & facing upwards. It was left for 36 hours.

Batteries were bought from local supermarket, Energizer Lithium CR2025 brand with an expiry date of 06/2033

First battery out of the pack of four lasted 12 months. The other three under 2 week with the last one being tested prior to use showing 3.2V

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You definitely covered all the bases.

Update on this

After sending the info over to Polar and findings showing battery depletion even without it being used or attached to a strap, they have been immensely helpful.

Unable to find a fix, they sent over a voucher to purchase a new strap & sensor from their UK website.

Not only that, but a voucher big enough to order a H10 when I had a H9 originally.

Given my strap was bought in early 2021 (I got my initial purchase date in this thread wrong after checking my emails), that is GOAT level of customer service.



I never thought to check the manual :joy:

I’m going to try this!


I will have to give it a try as well. Bought H9 in April 2024 and started using it in the summer. Battery went dead in 2 weeks and handful of uses and I figured that maybe the battery wasn’t too fresh. New battery installed from the same blister pack that supplies my Wahoo strap and again it went dead in 2 weeks.
Wahoo and Garmin straps will last me for months on the same battery.
I stopped using H9 but maybe it’s time to try disconnecting or if this doesn’t help then i’ll contact the Polar support.

Yea , should be getting almost a whole year with even daily use.

Have one, will never buy again. My Garmin HR Pro goes at least for a year and none of this “disconnecting” BS.

I think next time I change the batteries on my Polar H10, I’ll record it in Garmin gear, so I can track how many hours the battery lasts. It is of course dependant upon how many radios (Bluetooth, Ant+, Gymlink) I have enabled.

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