Planned week TSS totals don't add up

Hi all, I hope this isn’t an obvious repeat question - I’ve tried to find the answer on the forum - but when I check the planned week tss in the Training Stress widget on Career view (on the website), the planned tss is very different to the actual week’s planned tss in the Calendar, and even then the calendar tss numbers don’t add up.

eg. 3 workouts, tss 59 ,46 and 81. That should be a planned tss of 186.
Yet my Calendar shows a planned tss of 185 for that week. The training stress widget on the Calendar view also shows 185 for that particular week. I have checked other weeks. Some of them add up, some of them don’t.

Then if I look at the Training Stress widget on the Career page, the planned tss shows 111.
Any idea what’s going on? Am I doing something silly or Is it a bug?



I’m taking a look now! :male_detective:

For this week, it looks like Tunnabora -1 actually has a planned TSS of 58, but you achieved 59 in your workout which is why the thumbnail in your calendar shows 59. That explains the discrepancy between 185 and 186, but I can’t seem to figure out the 111 shown on your career page.

I’ve mentioned this to the team and I’ll report back with what I hear.

Thanks for pointing this out! We’ll figure something out soon… :technologist:

Ah ok. Thank you for clearing that one up. Curious about the 111 tss though :slight_smile:

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