Jumbo Visma Service Course

This may be somewhere on the forum already but I just saw this clip this morning. Basically Disneyland for someone like me.


Thanks for posting the link! Johan Bruyneel talked about this video in a recent podcast and it was on my mind to do a search.

I heard about this place on the goats podcast they must have some serious financial backing

looks awesome, but almost no employees, they are all in the home office or at bike training? :rofl:

between 0:15 (when the rider enters the building) and 1:00, I count 6 employees. (excluding the rider herself, and the DS who would have been driving the team car).

I think I’m almost more impressed by the drone piloting, than the service course itself. :open_mouth:


I used this video (along with other backup) to justify utilization of an Unmanned Aerial System (“UAS” aka drone in DOD-speak) for some of our inspections at work.


TIL Jumbo Visma also does speed skating!

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Ha I didn’t even realize that after watching the video. I know that speed skating is really popular in the Netherlands and I was just like “damn, those dudes really love skating”.

This makes much more sense.