Hip labral tear recovery

Anyone successfully avoid surgery and continue training for at a high level? I am looking for inspiration. Thanks!

It depends how bad it is, I would think. I’m pretty sure I had this a long time ago, but never saw a doc, so don’t know. It took over a year to heal, and I was in my 20s then.

For all the hip things, have a look for ‘upright health’ on youtube, I find them excellent.

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I was diagnosed with FAI and torn labrum…cancelled surgery 4 days before after my own research left my unconvinced it was the right choice for me.

Resolved my issues through strength training with dedicated focus on all muscles around the hip…I’ve since been able to train and compete as before.

Agree with above poster that Upright Health is good resource

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I tore my labrum at the end of 2017 when I first got into bike racing. Through aggressive PT and strengthening I was able to return to 100% after about 2 months. I raced ~30 times in 2018 with small flare ups here and there. In that season I went from a 5 to 3 and was training at what I’d consider a high level.

I did start having pain again at the beginning of 2019 and the usual strengthening did not resolve symptoms. I had to stop racing in June as I felt like it was a huge limiter in my training and racing. I moved forward with a surgery in August of last year and was on the bike within 3 weeks and working out again in 2 months.

Some learnings through the process:

  1. Glute, hip flexor, and core strengthening made a significant difference in decreasing symptoms.
  2. flexible hamstrings and proper hip hinging on the saddle also decreased symptoms.
  3. If you are consulting a surgeon, only consider the surgery if they are advocating for a repair. Many will do a debridement to clean up the area but will not actually do a reconstruction.
  4. If you sleep on your side, do so hip side down and with a pillow between your legs.
  5. A post labral tear bike fit was essential
  6. CBD topical ointments provided no relief

If I was able to manage the symptoms I would not have gotten the surgery but I was not able to and felt like this was the best option. Do you also have an FAI?

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Thank you for this feedback. I am more hopeful! I was able to do workouts over the weekend after having significant irritation earlier in the week. I will work on strengthening and rehab for now. My ROM on the bike doesn’t seem to be worsening things. Unfortunately, sitting all day for my job really aggravated symptoms. I appreciate the time taken to respond to my post. Delaying surgery will be my goal. Thank you everyone!

Good luck!, Having a desk job also really aggravates it. If you can find a way stand or make sure you have appropriate ergonomics for your desk and chair that can reduce flair ups.

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This is the truth. Wow! Hours of sitting since Covid-19 was the trigger for my worsening symptoms.