FTP impact - following illness

My FTP was 289 in the middle of September for my “A” Race - The Barn Burner. Caught Covid instead and week 4 was the first time I did any mild intensity, but not back to “Productive”. Worked back up for about 3 weeks before taking another 2 week trip where I was off the bike in the beginning of November. FTP dropped to 280 and I started base in the middle of November when I got back, and just entered Build this week.

FTP is 285 currently, and still a little off where I was in September and my volume capacity isn’t back to where I was. 3.5 months later for me, but I feel like I’m getting back on track and in good shape to start making gains heading into the New Year.

Yes it was illness, but I think there’s also an element of peaking, and then needing to recover and take a step back before getting on track too. Remember, you can’t sustain the peak that comes with an A event and always keep increasing.

I’m in Leadville 2023 too, and same as you targeting Sub 9 - fingers crossed and lots of work ahead! Just for contrast though - no way I can manage a TR high volume plan (Most people can’t and shouldn’t). I’m Low Volume plus lifting and as much Z2 Endurance as I can take on top of that which will have me ramping from 3-5 hours a week now to get back in the swing of things to 5-10 hours a week on the bike.