Feature Request: Triathlon Training Plan View - Show Run and Swim Sessions

Currently when viewing any triathlon training plan from the Training Plan link on the left website menu, e.g., Olympic HVS, only the bike sessions are displayed. It would be helpful to also see all of the run and swim workouts in this preview without having to add the plan to an empty block on the calendar somewhere. Even better would be to show the separate bike / run / swim time totals and run TSS along the week summary in the left column of the plan preview.


I agree with this

I should add that while the descriptions of the swims/runs are available via the Tip link for each week, from a strict visual assessment of the plan, it would be very helpful to also see those sessions displayed alongside the bike sessions in the same format.

yes 100% agree, as a potential TR user!

Hey there!

To clarify one point, you can view the assigned running and swimming workouts in the Training Plan web page by clicking the “Weekly Tips” button on the left side under the week numbers. The workouts are not shown on the calendar itself, but rather, they are described in paragraph form and they outline the specific workout and any drills for that workout.

I agree though that having the Runs and Swims show up on the calendar outline itself would be an improvement in clarity, and I will pass this onto the team.

Thanks for the suggestion!


A potential work around, in addition to the tips info, is to add manual workouts on the calendar. You can set them up as repeating ones as well, if that is appropriate. It populates the calendar with place holder workouts quickly, even if there is some variation between the actual sessions.