Does anyone recognise this fork stand?


I’m interested in something like that so I don’t need a front wheel on taking up space.

Looks like something like Minoura FG220 Hybrid Roller Home Trainer (

This looks to be the one Hands-On: Feedback Sports Omnium – The Most Portable Bike Trainer | SMART Bike Trainers


Well done(!)

I didn’t realise it was attached to rollers so no use to me, and far pricier than reasonable for my use case. Ah well.

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Maybe build your own? GPLama video below is for a DIY bike maintenance stand but he shows how to attach the front fork using an old hub at 5:20. Same concept could be used.

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I own a set of those exact saw horses! There’s no freaking way I’d trust them for anything like that. All they’re good for is spraying/drying racks for lightweight materials that are cheap.
Stand on one and you’ll understand.

Surely a couple of bits of timber screwed together with one of those vehicle fork mounts on top would be safer? Something like these.