Does anybody here suffer from muscle pain caused by statins?

But you didnt say this. You said drop the drugs. Thanks for correcting your comment because it was terrible recommendation without the above comment.

The only miracle of statins is the profits they generate for pharmaceutical companies. Grossly over prescribed drug. Every year when I het my physical the doc freaks and tries to put me on statins (and with no other diagnostic reference point) because my LDL is “high” - but Triglyceride / HDL ratio is less than 1 - a better marker so I always refuse. I did their recommended CT scan this year - lo and behold 0 arterial plaque or risk markers.


This is only useful if you are really old. Otherwise NO, if you are under 65….its supposed to be 0

Check your ApoB instead of LDL only. It incorporates whatever info you can get from HDL, Triglicerids

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Good call out in the ApoB test.

Much better risk factors to have measured are Apob, Lp (a), Vo2, blood pressure and body fat %.

Agree on ApoB but unfortunately that was not shown on the bloodwork tested (I paid for my own BTW). Not to go down the entire cholesterol rabbit hole but that highlights the problem of a practitioner wanting to prescribe statins without fully diagnosing.


When I went to my doc and asked for it he had to look it up online !!!

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Pain is gone and I just added 10mg of Zetia to my tiny statin dose.


That’s great news :slight_smile: what do you think it was in the end?

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I think is the fact that I’m doing back to back hard workouts and in generally going harder. Is the only other thing I can think of.

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Haha, that sounds like a good reason to be sore. Glad to hear this issue has had a good outcome for you


My physicians is suggesting a statin. My LDL is 108 but other markers are within normal. I do have a family history of early coronary disease. I may be crazy by I’m 4 weeks out from Unbound 100 so I may wait till after the race.

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I’d follow your doctor’s advice, but maybe ask him/her if waiting a few weeks is going to make a difference. I too have a poor family history of heart disease and it turns out I have elevated LP(a). I don’t know if anyone else in my family has it, but it is genetic and so it wouldn’t surprise me if they do. I went on a low dose statin a little over a year ago when I found out about my elevated LP(a) even though all my numbers aside from the LP(a) were optimal. I’ve had zero side effects.

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What statin and in what dose?….This makes the difference for risk of side effects.

I mentioned this on another thread; LDL is not usually measured, it’s estimated from HDL and Triglycerides using a formula based on statistical averages in the population. A bit like “max heart rate = 220 - age”. Except that millions of people are prescribed statins (or not) based on the the LDL formula. I find that a bit shocking.

I think you can get LDL measured directly but it’s more expensive

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You can and you can also get ApoB measured too.

No side effects form statins at all, no impact to training at all.

My advice would be to stop reading the sides of boxes, just get on with it.


I am on 20mg of Rosuvastatin following a Heart Attack and getting diagnosed with Coronary Artery Ectasia. This is a pretty high dose, but I haven’t noticed any side effects normally associated with taking statins.

My power is down, but so is my training and there are others factors like LV function impairment following the HA, lost 4-5kg after the HA and can’t manage to put it back on, and I am on anti coagulants now.

If it comes up at coffee after cycling, invariably I am offered “advice” by those who have a negative view of statins. Personally I let it wash over me and listen to my Specialist


This absolutely boggles my mind when you had a heart attack. The nerve of some people.


Yep, does my head in too. They miss the part that I don’t really have a choice unless I bet against expert advice on how to prevent a recurrence in favour of a You Tube presenter

I normally just say I am dealing with the actual problem in front of me now, and don’t have a choice. End of conversation follows :sweat_smile:


I am (Male, 62) on Atorvostatin, 10MG which I split, so 5MG. The splitting was because exercise and diet took my blood pressure down to the point that I am on the lowest dose. The statin accompanied the BP medication as a best practice.

I went on it/them about 10 years ago, when I was also overweight. Being put on maintenance medication was my wake-up call.

I achieved a healthy BMI through diet and exercise since then and I am on minimum (or less) doses.

My last appointment was with a Nurse Practitioner who made a note to my doctor to discuss a trial removal of the meds as I was also experiencing muscle aches in the quads.

I may have to accept that a new level of persistent muscle soreness or sensitivity comes with age, but I am also interested in a trial. I have my annual physical this month; let’s see what the doc says(?).

For now, I just have to redefine the level of perceived exertion (PE) I detect as being from pain that is unfamiliar.