Athlete Interviews: Jeff Linder – NorCal Cycling Videos

Sprinting is a skill every cyclist needs, and our latest podcast guest, Jeff Linder (NorCal Cycling Videos), is an expert at breaking down sprints in one of the most competitive districts in the USA. Tune in and become a better sprinter!

Youtube Video:

Topics Covered in This Episode

  • How to position yourself for a win if you aren’t a sprinter
  • How to find your strengths and weaknesses
  • What kind of sprinting does Jeff excel at?
  • How to counter someone with an explosive sprint
  • When to start sprinting at the end of a race
  • What makes a good sprinter?
  • What is the ideal position on the bike for sprinting?
  • Shifting during sprints
  • How to plan your sprints for each race
  • What to do if your plans don’t work out
  • The sprinter’s dilemma
  • Can a solo rider be competitive?
  • Jeff’s cycling stats
  • How to get in position for a finishing sprint
  • When should you leave the draft to go around somebody in a sprint
  • Jeff’s sprinter’s trick
  • What to do if you are the marked sprinter

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Awesome…Looking forward to this one!


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Haven’t had a chance to listen to this one yet, but I’m looking forward to racing with Jeff this summer at some of the bigger series (I think he’s coming up to the Midwest for some?).

Also glad to see him getting some recognition. I’m hoping to level up my racing videos this year and get some of the viewership he has. Great channel with great advice.

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Thx Jeff @NorCal_Cycling!

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Thanks Trainerroad! I had fun recording this with you guys. I’ll be periodically checking into this thread, so if you have any questions let me know.



I’ll be back at Intelligentsia this year, might see you there?

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Two of my favorite worlds colliding. Thanks guys! Great episode. I’ll re-watch it for sure.

I’ll for sure be there, our team hasn’t made a final decision as to 1/2 or 2/3 races so not sure if we’ll be together or not, but we should hang out for sure!

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Mine, too! Big fan of @NorCal_Cycling :clap:

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@NorCal_Cycling How did you learn to sprint correctly? Clinics or did someone show you personally?

A combination of the two, plus years of practice at races and group rides.

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@NorCal_Cycling you mentioned it took you a long time to get to your 330 FTP. could you tell us where you started out? How long ago? Your progression and maybe some rough idea of how many hours of training? Thanks!


I can only speculate where I started out, because I was a late adopter to training with power. I starting training on a road bike in 2009. My first bit of real advice was from my time on the Webcor elite team before that folded in 2012. From 2012 through 2016 I bounced around local amateur elite teams and had a demanding job which only allowed for 8 or so hours a week to train - which I unwisely focused on hard group rides instead of building an aerobic base. I spent too much time in Z4+ which was a huge mistake. I didn’t start structured training until 2016, when I changed jobs, changed teams, bought a power meter, and explored the research behind endurance training. I was able to devote 12-14 hours a week to training starting in 2016, and followed a structured training plan aimed at increasing my aerobic capacity. I saw my FTP increase by close to 10% from 2016 - 2018, but more importantly, I was able to perform at or near my FTP for longer periods when it matters most during those critical moments in a race.

My biggest regret is not following structured training, not using products like TR, or not hiring a coach back in 2009.


@NorCal_Cycling Do you wear contacts while riding?

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Yes, only during races though. Commuting / practice races I wear prescription sunglasses.


Living in and training in Sacramento, I call it norcal, thought I’d take a looksy at who this NorCal cyclist was; glad I did. Nate and Jonathon’s interview here with Jeff further intrigued me concerning the possibility of entering formal, sanctioned racing events like crit’s, road and maybe even cross and working my way through the cat’s. Found the tactics and psychology of Jeff and Nate to be of interest and ones I seem to have an almost innate grasp of having been practicing informal or unofficial racing for sometime, the mano y mano sort. I’ve been thinking it’s time to get real… thanks Nate, Jon and Jeff.


I enjoyed this one but all the talk of crits makes me extremely happy to be a triathlete who only has to worry about argy bargy when it comes to the swim.

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Thanks Jeff and TR for an awesome podcast. I’ve since subscribed to Jeff’s YouTube channel and love the race analysis videos.
Wondering what bike you ride Jeff and your thoughts on ideal sprinters bike characteristics (ie stiffness vs some compliance of both frame and wheel set)?

Thanks again Jeff and TR. 5 stars all round

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In his channel he has a video on what bike he rides. It’s nothing special which tells you it’s more about the engine than the bike.


Big fan of your channel and your approach to things. Thanks for sharing so much!