Anyone using HRV? (Heart Rate Variability)

Anybody noticed drop in HRV while on antidepreseants. NO change in Bike performance for the most my part, just drop on HRV and raised RHR

What kind of anti-depressants are you on? SSRIs? NDRIs? I would imagine that makes a big difference!

the old school type, TCA ( (Nortryptoline)

The old school type, TCA ( (Nortryptoline)

That still looks like quite some training for a six day business trip. Maybe reduce that to one day somewhere in the middle and give your body a day off after a transatlantic flight? I for one am absolutely wiped if I do two transatlantic flights within a week.

These were just super easy jogging rounds barely above walking pace. Twice two-a-days.

And “quite-some-training” is always relative, I usually log 20-25h per week.

One day off? This was a 1h super easy bike ride to clear the head, I don’t consider this as training. First training day was today, though very controlled. I actually feel/felt pretty good. Stayed in my time zone as much as possible, avoided any evening activities. Could fly back business class and slept like a baby. Just HRV took a dive, feeling not.

I wonder if there’s something wrong with me… :smile:

In all seriousness, I took an outdoor ride Sunday evening, and noticed that I had a minute recorded with my HR up in the high 190s…

In just about two years of recording data, I have never seen it exceed 186, and that only in hill repeats when running. So, a little odd. While my cadence was high, I wasn’t putting out much power as it was mostly downhill.

I’m running GC v3.5-DEV1903 but I can’t seem to find this add on graph??

ETA: Found it, I needed to be on the Trends tab before I searched the download charts! :slight_smile:

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What is the best app to track hrv and get info out of it? I’ve been using Elite hrv but think the data is limited. I also am fine with purchasing an app but I prefer not to have another subscription service.


I’m not sure how I missed this. I’ve been an HRV4Training user for a few years and recently got an Oura Ring. I’m looking forward to trying this integration.

A tip for other people attempting to use this integration:
I couldn’t find the integration in the settings as described in the blog post. I was running the latest version of HRV4T and made sure to restart completely but still no integration. I had to delete and reinstall the app to see the Oura integration settings.

hi there! We have released the integration with Oura today :slight_smile: It could be that before you had the older version (well, the latest until this morning), which did not include the integration (it was available via our Beta testing program), then when you reinstalled the app you got the latest version, hence the one with the ring integration. Just clarifying as it should not be necessary to delete the app at this point. Hope you’ll find the integration useful!

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Soooo…I just started using HRV…any suggestions on comprehensive literature to read to help me understand my data? Are there normative values/ranges for each measurement or is this an almost purely individualistic undertaking?

For a few (undisclosed) reasons, I’m currently most interested in the High and Low Frequency (HF, LF) readings.


(yes, I’ve already blazed through this topic thread…always looking for more…)

Hi cyclhist - I’ve finally got the HRV Trends to load up but I can’t see how I get my HRV4Training data in to the graph, I couldn’t see reference to a filename for example??

@jiberjaber, you should be able to import your hrv4training data from the share menu in GC. If you upload the data from the app to Dropbox, it’ll generate an CSV file that GC imports. It’s possible that you need the GC beta for that.

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Yeah, you need GC beta for it. I load it over the PMC chart.

If it really is spurious, how about the battery in your hrm ? I’ve seen inaccuracies in the cold too. Belt was loose for a few minutes due to a change of position on the bike ? Just some ideas.

Bingo - thanks that worked!

(Not sure if I am running Beta, version is 3.5-DEV1903)


How can I combine it over the PMC chart (sorry - bit of a newbie at GC charts)

Think I may have sussed it: that stretch of road takes me close to some overhead power lines. The next time I took that route, in the same stretch my bike computer froze up: it displayed a message telling me that devices had disconnected, but was completely unresponsive.

Noticed my morning HRV has halved in the past fortnight from ~100ms to ~50ms. This ties in with feelings of fatigue I’ve been noticing the past week. In fact, I’m sat here at my desk struggling to complete much…

@jiberjaber, as far as I could figure out, there is no straight-forward way to do this yet. You can use HRV in custom graphs in GC, but what is more difficult is getting all the data to establish baselines and normal values. That’s why we used python to do so. One of the problems is that as far as I can tell, GC’s native HRV metric won’t give you values for non-training days when used in custom charts.

However, it would be fairly straight forward to draw a PMC chart over this chart with a bit of python. I’m busy at work in the next 2 weeks, but might do it after.