Another failed ramp test

Like vo2max target power, the ramp test has some assumptions about aerobic fitness. If those assumptions are not true, then the ramp test will fail to give a reasonable estimate of FTP. Call it what you will.

When I’m reasonably aerobically fit, as measured by “ftp as % of 5-min power in last 90 days,” then ramp test gives reasonable results.

Above FTP, power targets depend on physiology and current fitness level. TrainerRoad’s vo2max 120% power targets assume “ftp is roughly 85% of 5-min power” (with 5-min power as proxy for pVO2max). If you are above that, say ftp is 90% pVO2max, then your vo2 workout target should be 111%. If you are below that, say 78% pVO2max, then your vo2 workout target power should be 128%.

In summary, I believe there is a range of aerobic fitness (as defined above) that results in “good” ramp test estimates. However even with a reasonable FTP esimtate, that may not give reasonable with vo2max and anaerobic power targets as explained above.

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