Aero/tt vs upright ramp test

Train in aero for intervals sure but don’t ramp test in aero. My opinion is there are better testing methods if you’re wanting to be in aero compared to the TR ramp test. You’ll never spend that much time above threshold in aero going into the last few min. Better to do a 30 min solo all out aero test and call that your number.


All your workout intervals are based on a % of ramp test ftp. Your target race power is a % of ramp test ftp. So why would you do something that will give you a higher ftp than what it would/should be in aero?

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Say I do Joe Friels ftp test, which is 30 min solo all out and taking that average as your ftp, and I average 355 watts.
Then I do a TR ramp test and because there is so much time going beyond ftp 120, 130%+, which is not something that happens in TT’s I get a result that says 330 watts.

What test result should I use? If I use the TR test method I’m training 25 watts lower then where I should be.

Ramp tests can be a good method if using road bikes/sitting upright, but for an aero tt test I don’t believe it’s the best method.

Are you doing both tests in aero or upright?

If you set your FTP at 355 are you able to complete the workouts that are 90-95% of ftp or not?

And even if you are, those tempo intervals are now sweet spot intervals, and the sweet spot intervals turn into threshold intervals. You’re not doing the workout as it’s designed.

All in aero, that’s the point I was making. Doing an aero position ftp test is better, in my opinion, as an actually longer effort compared to a ramp test in aero.
There is a disconnect in your response to what I was saying. I know you should use proper zones but Friels test is just 30 min all out solo and says that’s good to call your threshold. I’ve found to it be very accurate.