Adding Workout Levels for Group rides

Wondering if anyone knows if and when progression levels are going to be added for group rides to TrainerRoad? I know there was a recent update that made suggestions about how to ride your group ride to make the most of it for the type of workout, but I was wondering if there is a plan to make these group rides affect progression levels. I want to do my weekly Saturday group ride, but I don’t want my progression levels to get “messed up” by not doing the one threshold workout planned for that day.

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See the threads on Workout Level v2 / WLV2. For example:

Hey there and welcome to the TR community!

As @AlphaDogCycling mentioned, this is indeed something we’re working on – you can see the threads linked above to check out the topic.

For the moment, we’d recommend going ahead and doing your Saturday group ride. You can unmatch your Threshold workout with the group ride if they get paired up automatically upon uploading the ride file. That way, your Progression Levels won’t get impacted incorrectly by the group ride.

You can change that Saturday workout to a group ride now if you’d like as well!

We’ll be sure to post updates about Workout Levels/Progression Levels for unstructured rides here on the forum in the future.

Hope this helps – feel free to let me know if you have any additional questions!

Thanks! That helps!

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