I think there is some rounding going on here, I suspect one of the workouts is slightly <7.3 and the other slightly >7.3 (say 7.29 and 7.31 or similar).
Based on your second screenshot - Pinnacle +2 appears to be considered slightly harder by AT for some reason - I see it has 1 less TSS but 7 more KJ. Presumably your PL is now set to 7.3, which would explain why Pinnacle +3 is showing Achievable (it’s slightly <7.3) and Pinnacle +2 is Productive (it’s slightly >7.3).
So basically it is just replacing the Achievable workout with one it thinks is more productive.
I don’t know why AT thinks +2 would be slightly harder than +3 though - it has slightly more KJ but that’s it - but in any case it must be super marginal here.
Suggest to raise to support though as it doesn’t seem to make sense to have the +2 and +3 versions so close together in any case (and seems counterintuitive that AT should find +2 harder than +3).
These questions are best served to support@trainerroad.com, as they have visibility to the full scope of your internal ride logs, adaptations, success rate of workouts, etc.
From the ‘Welcome to the TrainerRoad Forum’ Page: Have a question about the app, your training plan, or device? Reach out to support@trainerroad.com instead of posting here. Our support team has the best visibility and insight into your devices, workouts and adaptations, and will help get you the most efficient and effective answer to your question.
Frustrating, had an FTP increase and once again the adaptive training has gone crazy with the level drops. I’ve had to manually tweak my first VO2max session today to “Breakthrough”, and even then it’s going to be lower power / time / rest than I was putting out this time two weeks ago.
Not just VO2max, but across the board. I get that it likes to start you off a bit easier, but in my case I’m coming back after sickness and there’s really no need to step backwards like that.
Think longer term that just the next workout. When describing AT on the podcast Nate used a weight training alanolgy. Just because you have pressed 200lbs, it doesn’t mean your next one will be 210lbs, but it might be 190, with the end result of gains in the longer term…
Came to forums to see if I can find someone who has this problem. FTP increase of 6w and now my VO2 Max, Anaerobic, and Spring levels all bottomed out. I have a VO2 Max workout tonight that it says is “Breakthrough”. I hope if I don’t adapt it, then once I complete the workout everything will sort of make itself right…
If they have genuinely “bottomed out” to inappropriate levels, flick Support an email. I had a similar issue (not FTP update related) where all the Levels I was using (E,T,SS) were dropped right down.
Three of them dropped way down, but I honestly don’t know all the exact numbers they were before. Looking in the help section this statement makes it seem like its expeceted?:
" My Progression Levels reset to 1s - is AT adjusting my Progression Levels correctly?
This is most likely due to an FTP increase. Because your Progression Levels drop when this happens, this can sometimes result in all of them being reset to 1."
I can’t speak to your specific numbers. Support can see what they were before. I think dropping to one’s is fine if you were at two to three prior.
You do need to expect some drop when your FTP goes up. As you get a stronger handle on your PL’s and which workouts and wattages are right for you, you’ll be better able to choose an alternate to jump back up if you feel they’re over aggressive.
Did my breakthrough VO2max session. Glad I did, because the unnecessary reduction would have meant it would be weeks before I was back doing the power output I’m capable of (I find workout difficulty ratings of little use for VO2max as they’re always hard or higher for me).
Am also going to need to tweak my Threshold and Endurance workouts manually as they’re far too low too. Sweet Spot seems to be there or thereabout (maybe a level low, but that’s not a big deal).
Since you’ve had a double bout of Covid I’d expect you to take a while to get back to things but it’s hard to know just how quickly to push. Not helped by AT being conservative in its progression.
Incidentally, my wife caught Covid last weekend, just waiting till I succumb.
Mostly training outdoors this summer. Must have missed a lot of discourse, but I’m finding it all too easy right now - which I have been reporting in the post-workout survey.
Do I bump workout FTP, or try and short-circuit the progression levels first?
Just about to hit rolling road race speciality, so it’s pretty much all vo2 and anaerobic from here on out.
OK, then I suggest choosing and Alternate that is at the higher end of whatever is set for you Difficulty (Achievable, Productive, etc.), or if you really want to jump ahead, consider stepping up to the next Difficulty Level. Upon completion of that workout and the related survey, AT should progress your pending workouts.
What if any changes to your workouts have you seen from AT at this time, based upon your “Easy” ratings?
I’ll take a peep at that - I had forgotten that those options existed.
In terms of progress, there have been a number of workout swaps, but workouts marked ‘Stretch’, and I report as ‘Easy’ are “only” offering a +1, +2 which feels quite glacial. I’m feeling strong, and I do want to feel stretched.
Then it’s best to follow the info I shared above (top of current level, or jump to the next level) which should get you some challenging work in short order.