Action Cam Data Overlay - what is the best setup for creating race recap vids?

Now that I’m back from Jingle Cross, in case anyone is interested, this is the VLC command I use to concatenate all the gopro files (it’s fast, and lossless; obviously you need VLC installed…):

vlc e:\DCIM\100GOPRO\GOPRXXXX.MP4 e:\DCIM\100GOPRO\GP01XXXX.MP4 e:\DCIM\100GOPRO\GP02XXXX.MP4 e:\DCIM\100GOPRO\GP03XXXX.MP4 --sout “#gather:std{access=file,mux=mp4,dst= %UserProfile%\Videos\GoPro\XXXX.mp4}” --sout-keep

Find and Replace the XXXX with the video # of the files. This example assumes your memory card is on the E:\ drive and there are 4 files to concat, but you can add or remove files depending on your specific recording. After processing, the file doesn’t really save until you close VLC, and the file may report 0-bytes in the filesystem for a few minutes while the contents are still being written to disk, but just wait it out.