ZWIFT HUB Trainer Fluctuations

I was into a training ride and maintaining HR and RPM but the power consistently drops then spikes. The resistance on the flywheel feels like it stops working and then resumes. Has any had this happen or have recommendation to correct this?

Make sure you don’t have 2 devices connected to the trainer. That will cause yo-yo action exactly like that.


Some questions: Are you using the computer app or a the phone app, and what OS? Are you using ANT+ or BT for connection to the trainer? What sensor are you using for cadence, the trainer or a separate cadence sensor? Do you have a power meter on the bike? Might you have more than one active device/app trying to communicate with the trainer? Have you used the trainer with other apps (Zwift, Systm, MyWhoosh, Rouvy, etc…) and not had this problem?

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Its a new laptop with the TR APP installed. I only have one device connected. I am using the Bluetooth through the PC. I used the LPT and ZWIFT, Companion App without any issue for almost 2 years. I ve been on TR for 1+ month and keep running into this issue where the flywheel feels like it loses pressure. The ZWIFT HUB provides the power data since I dont have power pedals.

Ive got a zwift hub and use the trainerroad app with zero issues. In fact the responsive of the hub using the TR app is far superior to Zwft.

What trainer are you on? For TrainerRoad, the Zwift hub should look like / function like a single speed bike. The Zwift hub isn’t providing the power data, your trainer is providing the power data. The Zwift hub is a mechanical only device.

My suggestion would be to email TR support and have them look at the backend to see if they can see any dropouts / other issues for the specific rides where you feel / see issues.

Its a ZWIFT HUB trainer. I have emailed both companies.


That all sounds legit so IDK what the problem might be. Agree it sounds like two apps/devices trying to control the trainer but you say that isn’t the case. Something I’d try is turning off my phone, or at least turning off its bt connection and see what happens. IDK if it’s relevant, but I stick with ANT+ where possible.

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Do you by any chance use a watch to record the workout? I have had some issues with the Hub when using my Garmin watch to record the workout together with an app (Trainerday not trainerroad) on my phone.
I have been using TR for 2 months now without problems. Since TR sends my workouts to Garmin, I don’t record with the watch anymore.


Make sure “resistance” is deselected from the power source in the Zwift Menu.

You only want one app controlling your trainer.

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I did have Wahoo Rival on to compare HR. I’ll try today and see if that corrects the issue. Thanks!

You’re mixing up the Zwift Hub trainer (made by Jetblack?) and the Zwift Cog which is the singlepeed hub.

I came here thinking the same.

We won’t be the last.


I’ll check in Zwift tonight. I thought I had the heart rate monitor, power source “Hub” selected and possibly third.


Literally turn off every single Bluetooth device in your house other than the trainer and do a ride. If that fixes it, start slowly turning on devices one by one until you find the culprit.


As other athletes above mentioned, make sure nothing else is “competing” for the trainer’s Bluetooth signal. A good first step here is to turn Bluetooth off on any nearby devices (such as other laptops/computers, phones, tablets, etc.).

It’s also worth checking the Bluetooth settings on your computer itself. Sometimes, training devices can connect to your computer/phone/tablet’s settings page rather than the TrainerRoad app. If you go to your BT settings page and find that your trainer is connected there, go ahead and disconnect it – we only want the trainer to connect to the TR app.

Another potentially easy fix would be to unplug the trainer for at least ~10 minutes (or ideally, keep it unplugged between each workout). This allows the trainer to fully reset and clear out any bad data that can get stuck inside of it when it’s always plugged in.

As @thomas1 pointed out, it’s also definitely worth checking out your settings in the Zwift Menu. If your trainer is connecting there, disconnect it from there as well and see how things run with TR alone.

Hopefully those steps will help – feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions or need any more troubleshooting assistance!


This right here… .willing to bet $$ on it!

I believe my WAHOO RIVAL watch may have been the culprit. Ive used 2 platforms and have seen a difference. I believe things are working properly now. I want to do a few more tries on each plaform over the next week. I can’t say 100% that it didnt feel like pedaling eased up for a fraction of second when the terrain sloped downward. I appreciate the response and will reply again in another week ir two.


If this was a Zwift workout, have you tried Zwiftalyzer to see what the log file might show?