Your FTP improvements

Finished SSB LV II on Saturday, with some VO2max variations.

Today’s ramp test gives me 278 W or 3.26 W/kg.

In 20 weeks of low volume base training (Traditional I/II, Sweet Spot I/II) I’ve gone from 2.5 W/kg to 3.26 W/kg or an increase of 30%. My A race this year is pretty hilly so I think power-to-weight is the right metric to track this season.


I’ve been riding without a TR plan for several years. I tried to follow the SS plan last year but was only partially successful. After a mostly lazy winter i tested and my FTP had dropped by about 30W. I did a 5 week SSBMV to try to recapture the 30Ws and did get it back.

Now I’m doing the IM Base Mid Volume but I’m only at ~2.0 ftp/kg, I also have to transition over to my Tribike after I get the fit right. I’m a little worried that my ability to increase my FTP and w/kg. I’m 74kg 5’10" age 45 doubt much is going to change on the kg side but I really need some FTP improvement.

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Finished up SPBMV2 and did see a bit a bump but not quite what I was hoping for… Truth be told, I think seeing several others follow these same plans get much ‘bigger’ gains I can’t help but to have similar expectations… I know, that’s on me and unrealistic to expect the same results… but apart of me can’t help it.

Went from 218 to 240… That’s a 10% bump and get that’s quite significant… With the warmer weather I may revisit SSB LV plans and mix in outdoor rides until it’s time to prep for my A race.


Nov 12 FTP: 215 3.1 w/kg
Apr 02 FTP: 265 3.75w/kg

I foolishly set my ramp test goal at 350w. I think this kept me from pushing to the next level. C’est la vie

0.25 w/kg away from my goal. That’s 18 watts. Now’s not the best time to shed weight but things just sound a bit more doable if I drop 1.5kg.

All that said, I managed to complete Boarstone with 200w av. power. That’s pretty rad for me.

Le sigh!


I’ve just finished SSBMV, so I’m pretty happy with this increase in 6 weeks. I’m starting SPBMV tomorrow. This puts me just over 4.10 watts/kg at 195 pounds.


I finished sustained power build about a week or so ago, and am on week 2 of short power, skipped the ramp test and increased my ftp by five today. I did Baird +6 and while I wouldn’t say it was easy, I could have probably bumped up the intensity a bit. But, I wanted to get through the first set at 100% and see how it was. I may do the ramp test next Tuesday as I just do these first two weeks of short power to fill a gap before Crit plan next week. Or I may do the first block of short power and then a shortened version of the crit.


Structured training works!

Feb 25, 2019: FTP = 191W
Apr 2, 2019 (5 weeks later) = FTP = 229W

Followed Weeks 2-6 of Olympic Triathlon Low Volume Build



This is a really great link and trainings approach. Thanks for sharing @stevemz.

October 2017: 225
after SS Mid 1: 256
after SS Mid 2: 272
after Sustained Power Build: 284
after Rolling RR Specialty: 293 (May 2018)

Dec 1: After a long CX season, with lots of intensity- FTP fell to 290
Started SS Mid-Vol 1 and got pretty sick during the recovery week. Took 2 weeks off the bike, which I probably should have done after my last CX race.
Mid-Jan '19: 292
After SS MV2: 295
Currently finishing Sustained Power Build- and have my FTP set at 297.
My power has been pretty stagnant for the past 10 months or so. Wondering what I need to do to break through this plateau.


I may be being lazy, it may well have been mentioned elsewhere on the forum but how often do you (or should you) do an FTP test. It’s been 8weeks since my last. Workouts still hurt but wondered when best to keep it inline with current performance.

As often as they come up in the plan you’re following, which will be every 4-6 weeks.

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I can’t tell if there is something off with the kickr or my ftp is heavily under reported with TR. Even with Baxter, some of the efforts where my power is 50 watts below ftp on some of the blocks, my HR is pretty consistent with staying in what I would call z2. Even some that are 2-3 mins, I figured the HR would spike up a bit? It just seems too easy.

Anyway, I’m not due for an FTP test for a bit, but might manually bump it up 5 or so watts and see what happens.

I have just finished my 3rd ramp test coming into the sustained power build low vol. I have started riding again after being off the bike due to a broken leg and being made redundant. I am now at my PB from 2018 (Friday, Jul 20, 2018 - 235) which I am super happy about.

My tests were as follows:

Monday, Mar 4, 2019 - 190
Sunday, Mar 17, 2019 - 212
Monday, Apr 8, 2019 - 234

So as they say onwards and upwards!


So i had a repeat ramp test today as part of century speciality LV week one.

My new FTP is 354 w at 113kg weight giving a power to weight ratio of 3.13 w/kg


1st ramp test 197
After 8 weeks of Xc Olympic up to 210


Closing in on the two last weeks of SSB2 MV I felt like I had to do a ramp test, since I had to bump every workout up by 5%.
6 march FTP 213 - 08 april FTP 226. Up from 166 in Febuary, after 7 weeks recovery from a bike accident where I broke my hip and had to get surgery. Amazing how the body recovers.


So when I started I got an ftp of 229 at 84kg (2.73 w/kg) just finished my ss mid1 and have moved up to 240 at 83kg(2.89 w/kg) so about a 6% increase, I had my sights on higher but haven’t we all, A few things have changed which may have affected it, while starting the plan I was doing my workouts in the evening including the ramp test, and the last two weeks I had moved my training to the morning 5 am :weary: due to having a small family, also getting over a cold. did people see more of an improvement in ss mid 2?


New FTP day today. 3.29 FTP/kg (240) which is a scruffy number that I would have liked to round up. However I was about to faint on the trainer, so not today I’m afraid. But to me that represents a 4.6% improvement which I am very pleased with.

I blame the long hours spent on Audax rides, a couple of faster, short, leg opening club rides at the weekend and AC/DC while doing the test.

Not your typical or natural cyclist. Enthusiastic though.


Finished General Build, but one week later than planned due to a number of things that happen when life and work gets in the way of training!
I really struggled in General Build, I found that motivation was lacking and that my diet was slacking off as well. So all in all I am not happy with my performance during Build Phase. This is my first season on structured training and I am learning a lot. I can see the benefits for sure, and next season I will know more of what to expect!

23/09/2018 - FTP 263 @ 99.5kg = 2.64 w/kg
06/11/2018 - FTP 274 @ 97.5kg = 2.81 w/kg
14/12/2018 - FTP 290 @ 92.9kg = 3.12 w/kg
15/01/2019 - FTP 270 @ 95.8kg = 2.82 w/kg
05/02/2019 - FTP 305 @ 94.0kg = 3.24 w/kg
06/03/2019 - FTP 277 @ 92.8kg = 2.98 w/kg
06/04/2019 - FTP 309 @ 93.2kg = 3.32w/kg

Weight is an issue and I need to get it down. I know that Build phase is not the time to loose weight and I completely understand why, it is HARD WORK!! Hopefully I drop some kilos during Specialty Phase!


Good work! I mistakenly tried to lose weight during General Build and it wasn’t a good idea.