You know you are going well when

…you break the trainer!

A couple of loud clicks and lost all resistance to the H2 Hammer flywheel. I ordered a new one on Direct Drive Belt Replacement – Saris and Followed this video How to Replace the Belt in CycleOps Direct Drive Bike Trainer - YouTube for installation instructions.


Odd that the belt looks like an H2 but the yellow release levers are from an H1. At least the belts are available so that’s a win

CycleOps Hammer (H1) and Saris H2 are effectively identical mechanically. The only notable differences are the yellow color accents on the Hammer (H1), while the H2 went black/gray.

CycleOps Hammer (H1)

Saris H2

So the trainer above is like the Hammer (H1).

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During my whole H3 debacle I was sent a pulley which seems like it was for H1, definitely not like what my H2 had and was more “toothy”. This made me assume the H1 and H2 use a slightly different belt since the rounded tooth profiles on what I know my H2 had wouldn’t work with this. I never got inside my H1 when I had it

The replacement parts are:

Hammer & H2 (Cog)

H3 (Rib)

Rib vs Cog

  • image
  • Note the direction of the grooves:
    • Rib is along the belt length/loop
    • Cog is perpendicular to the belt length/loop

So the Hammer and H2 are identical in cogged pulley and belt usage, especially since they sell the same kit for both.

IIRC, the one you received was a “bumped” pulley that was meant to combat the H3 belt slip from their original smooth pulley design that was slipping under the Ribbed belt.

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I also got one of these. No idea what it’s for since it doesn’t look like it works with either belt.

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Ahhh, I forgot about that one. Sure looks like a regular cogged pulley to me. I think they were grasping at straws back then to solve their slip issue, and throwing literally everything at it :wink:

Everything except the obvious and correct solution. I guess it beats having to admit a mistake lol

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