What’s your real 2024 volume so far?

Hi All,
I believe distance or time do not adequately quantify our volume. Work in KJ’s seems to approximate this better, and because bigger riders can push more watts, we need to normalize by weight.

So far 2024 for me = 255162 / 66 = 3866 Kj per kg of volume this year.

Alternatively, Total Hours - Coasting could be decent as well.

For me 2024: 450h - 62h = 388h

What is yours?



585000 / 75 kg =7800 kj/kg. Very Nice.

I do wonder how much faster could I be if I trained as much. I’m already at the 0.1% of my AG. Or if I even could do that much work.

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OTOH 12h of coasting??? Can’t get any flatter than this.

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4,475kJ / kg.




Using the Intervals kJ value I’m only at 2,494kJ/kg, aka I’m a lazy b’stard :joy:

Probably can be seen in the amount of time I’ve spent coasting 24hours and 24mins (a full day). Not all my bikes have PM’s or it would probably be more so its probably not apt for me to subtract it from the total ride time (636h43m).

I’ve been coasting for 42 hours so far this year so I reckon I’ll be at two whole days by the New Year. There’s a stat I’d never considered before! 471 hours total.

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My coasting is 2h35m out of 420h. :joy:

You people are slacking!

3500kJ per kg, btw :blush:



508.5hr non-coasting.

That’s actually crazy low. I’m a pretty low coaster and do a ton of indoor rides but still have 10hr of 520ish. I think 90% of mine probably came from 4 mountain rides though with descents, but too lazy to calculate that lol.

@HLaB and @Marcellus I think we need a “how much did you coast” in 2024 thread! I mean… who doesn’t love a sweet decent? If you ain’t shredding downhills what are you even doing this for? :sunglasses:


5948 kj per kilo. Roughly. I don’t have the data at hand as I’m only recently on intervals.icu.

I’m working on the basis of an average 250w power output (which is lower than I do now) and 580hrs on the bike. 102kg bodyweight at 203cm


An incredible distance and effort.

Remarkable how little climbing you have where you are. Less than 20m per 10km. Our part of Sweden (not renowned for being mountainous) is about 110m/10km on mixed riding, and now that I’m focusing on gravel, it will be closer to 150m.

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Based on my Intervals data - 11367kj per kilo

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I ride the trainer on average probably 75% of the time.


6,308Kj/Kg for me or 506hrs (excl. coasting)

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Total of 513 hours so far, 383000kJ and I weigh 83kg. Grand total of 10h coasting.

I have 31h coasting out of 370h. :sweat_smile: Lots of hills and I usually don‘t pedal on descents.

Work: only 1780kj / kg. But I gained a bit of weight.

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3,840 kj/kilo
436 hours on the pedals
44 hours coasting.
Rides are pretty much all outside, and a mix of road and “gravel” with 7 events ridden.