What Is The Sneakiest Workout In TrainerRoad?

I have Kaiser next week. Kinda dreading it already. I am trying to mentally prepare myself over the next several days… :sob:

For me it’s Wynne 45 min version

Kaweah is a beast. It’s the only workout I’ve had to bail out of so far.

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At first glance it looks like it’s hard but mostly sub threshold with a few efforts but there’s very little recovery and gets very hard very quickly :open_mouth:

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Bradley,climbing road race low volume.
I never managed to finish in 3 attempts and I thought I was going well!

I just got duped by Mary Austin yesterday. I looked at it and was like “sure” then I got caught in the last set of intervals and everything fell apart. :neutral_face:


Yup, that’s Mary for ya! :face_with_head_bandage:

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Fought my way through that one last week

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It was a little soul crushing at the time. I’m pretty sure it’s bad because it’s at the end of week 7 SSB II. I think I just need an endurance week and I can get back to hitting it again.

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Huffakers text should simply read “At least it’s not Palisade”


I find longer SS intervals ( Carillon and Tallac come to mind) more mentally challenging than the others.

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Palisade and Leconte…my only 2 back-pedal workouts…so far…

I have to say something like Birling is a real sneaky one. You think “oh good, a recovery session with a couple of sprints, nothing to worry about” and then after the second sprint you realise you need to find a bucket!

I find ones like Wynne tricky too. You think it won’t be as hard because the intervals get shorter as they get more intense, but the recovery time feels like it isn’t enough to get you through the next interval.

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Tunnabora. Log In to TrainerRoad
Don’t believe me? Try it!
Looks nearly like a day off compared to someworkouts but there are some very sneaky cadence drills that flatten you!

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This is worse [or better :wink: ] than Huffaker.


I like VO2 Max intervals, but the last interval of Spencer caught me by surprise.

I hadn’t seen that one before - I like how “Wynne -4” is just “Wynne” with much shorter recoveries, how is that a “-4”?