Weight loss accountability buddy or thread discussion

Weekly Check-in Link

0.5kg off this week for me.

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10 day rolling average dropped down to 82.9 from 84.4 (yup, 1.3 kg)

This was a woosh week. Feels like my body finally let go of my excess water. Lost a whole inch on my waist and feel much lighter. These weeks are always great :smiley:

Officially my diet break week starting today. Calories to maintenance levels - 15%. Also going on vacation. A much needed rest after (checks notes) 21 weeks of dieting.

Good luck this week everyone!


Do you mean 10 day average :thinking:

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Yup! Fixed. Good eye!

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Well done. Enjoy you maintainance week.

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Oh believe me I will!

Have a good week yourself :slight_smile:

I have been on caloric deficit during the weekdays and I’ve cut out all bread and alcohol during the week. I noticed that I was feeling more tired than usual with my training and I have tried to ride often, z2 rides , and try to maximize time on the saddle through the week.

I’ve also have invited to two weddings and I have hit the bar with reckless abandon. The good news is that the good behavior during the weekdays has offset the absolute binges on the last two weekends. I’ve come out with about the same weight as I started this period of festivities.
Now things should be back to normal and I should see some improvements in the next few weeks.


Best bang for the buck with weight loss is cutting out the alcohol. :+1:


Weekly check in reminder!

Hiya all, back after 2 weeks of maintenance. My maintenance block was fun but became really hard towards the end.

First 3 days of eating at maintenance felt so strange; I felt like I was just gorging myself. After a few days, I felt pretty happy emotionally (and started thinking I was much grumpier than I had imagined myself to be for the past few weeks). I was mindful of what I was eating but not necessarily tracking everything completely (just guard rails)

By the end of the second week, I began feeling the itch to resume my diet. I felt this way by day 10 but I figured just enjoy the last few days by eating how I used to eat. Realized pretty quickly that hyper-palatable foods I loved in the past don’t make me feel full and I started creeping up in how much hunger and eating I was doing. Last 2 days were more cheat days than anything and I still felt hungry. Weighed myself today at around 85.5. That felt high but mostly because I ate half of a 20" pizza the day before as a final send off. (Edit: This is clearly an outlier as the next day I was down to 84 kg)

Ended my break at a 10 day rolling average weight of 84. This is about .3 kg more than when I went into the maintenance phase. That feels right. Weirdly, I don’t look bigger than my lowest weight. Even weirder, during the phase, I lost about half an inch on my waist. Didn’t weigh myself except for 2x during the end of each week. I took this as a time of “i’m on a diet break” to just recharge.

Full take away is that, for me, the maintenance phase when I hit my goal weight is going to be just as involved as dieting. I can tell thats going to be much harder; it feels way easier to restrict

Anyways, back on the diet as of today. Another 10-12 weeks before another maintenance break. Time to get to a healthy bmi now.

Good luck to everyone this week.

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Good luck to you too!

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Checked in.

I’m hoping to see the weight come back down now that my month long break is over.

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Checked in for the first time in awhile (since May).

Started lifting weights and taking creatine and pretty rapidly gained 15 lbs or so. On the plus side, I’m a fair bit stronger. I’m not sure whether I want to reset my target weight or not; I do want to lose some of the weight though as power/weight matters for (rock) climbing and I have a stretch goal of being able to do a handstand pushup.


Weekly check in link!

0.1kg down and have needed to start wearing a belt (I expect a sudden drop over the next few days, I dont think the scales are telling the whole story).

Loads more energy in the last week now 2kg has come off during the last 6 wks

Now my season has ended a 4 week block where body comp is the main focus before heading into a big base block.

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Down 1 pound over the week. First week back on diet

Some fluctuations as expected. Finding it a bit hard to stick to lower calories again but I’m managing.

Good luck to everyone this week!


I’d love to join this and get some accountability for my weight loss from today to the 2023 season. Do I just add my name and weight to the spreadsheet?

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Yup, feel free to do so!

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Fantastic thanks. I’ve got a long way to go :wink:

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