Training with the opposite sex

Dude, seriously. He didn’t say those things. It’s hard enough to have a productive discussion on this issue already, without the need for your to misrepresent what people are saying. Also I’m pretty sure women a) don’t all think the same b) don’t need you speaking on their behalf


Not at all what I was implying.

It’s a simple matter of physics. A smaller person on flat ground will, all things being equal, have a lower power to drag ratio. So…if a smaller person is hanging, the statistics say they are likely either more fit than the larger people, or are better at suffering, or both.


@onemanpeloton @ellotheth

Let all remember the rules of the forum to try and keep all conversations moving in a positive and productive direction:

Thanks y’all.


When we were in Canada my partner nick named me “Bear Food” - you don’t have to outrun a bear, just the slowest person. (I was also afraid of bears). It was a term of endearment which kept me laughing up the worst hills.
He’s twice as big as me and it’s ok that I can’t keep up.
Obviously, Sonya Looney would have smashed his time to pieces regardless of size difference.
…not because she’s vegan, that has nothing to do with it…:rofl::joy:

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I’m glad you said this, and this is a comment I think everyone needs to pay close attention to.
It is something I was personally not super aware of for many years - I’m not a woman, I don’t treat women at rides differently than men - you’re there to ride, maybe learn something new, maybe challenge yourself, or maybe to ride me off your wheel - and there’s no shortage of women that can do exactly that.
Paying close attention to different thoughts/opinions/comments can really be a positive experience.


Sorry Bryce, easy to get carried away. Didnt mean any harm.


I was thinking the same thing. But it’s is good to keep it going.

All things are never equal. :+1:

Sure they are. It’s just that some things are more equal than others. :wink:

@Wayne I think this is such a positive attitude. It’s easy to be flippent about other people’s situations.
When I said “moaning” about partners not allowing them enough time on their bike…what I mean is seeking support on how to manage that situation. I’ve seen men leave rides early after an angry phone call from their partner. I don’t pretend to know about their relationships, but I am aware that everyone has something going on.
So I agree we need to pay close attention to others perspectives and needs.
We all need kindness ( or affectionate insults) especially when we don’t deserve it.

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Really, another way to say this though is “just be nice to people.” Regardless of whether they are a man or a women. If this happens…I cant really see how issues would arise.

Sometimes I feel like issues like gender on group rides can be overcomplicated. Thats not to try and understate the issue of female vulnerability…but really this all comes down to the fact that some people are just assholes.


I like the way Billy Graham approached the subject. His philosophy was that no one, not even himself, was so strong as to not fall victim into temptation. Thus, he chose to never be alone with a member of the opposite sex other than his wife. If he and his secretary had to travel together, he always brought a chaperone. This is the way I have chosen to deal with the subject in my own life. How this applies in practicality is that it is ok for me to join events with members of the opposite sex when it is a group setting. However, I avoid at all costs ever being “alone” with a woman of the opposite sex other than my wife. Some will find this silly, and that is their right. But it works for me and that is all that really matters.


Not trying to be insulting…but I honestly can’t tell if you are serious, or if this is sarcasm…


I don’t have much to add to the discussion except this:

In response to those who say that trust in a relationship is paramount ( I agree, it is)…just remember…there is trust

until there isn’t.

you guys and gals might not like what Joex has to say on the subject, but he might not be too far off. IMHO


Of course that’s the exception. Most people hate each other lol. But again…I don’t see how this is a gender thing.

I hope it’s sarcasm, otherwise I fail to see how women could gain more presence in business management.

“Sorry, we can’t go over the budget, unless you can find a chaperone”.


Excellent point. I say this with 100% seriousness…anyone who follows the ‘I can’t be alone with a woman’ lifestyle should seriously consider the societal ramifications of their actions, and resign from any positions of power that entail making personnel decisions.


why was my first thought reading this: “I bet Peter Sagan could pull it off” :thinking: :joy:

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I think it’d be harder with a partner, although Sagan might be able to manage that as well

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It’s worked for the VP of the United States. I feel like if he can manage it then so can anyone else.