Training through a root canal

Training was going well until about a week ago when I started to get some pain from a tooth on my left side. Went to dentist and they confirmed something is amiss and referred me back to the endodontist again. (second root canal in 6 months). The last one wasn’t so bad but I also wasn’t in a training block. I was able to knock out last Tuesdays work out but had to sit out Thrusdays as I was overtired from not getting much sleep the night before as the pain decided to ramp up in the evening and I was forced to take some ibuprofen. I typically have a high tolerance for pain like this so you know it’s bad, and my wife will attest as I hate to take drugs. Had to sit out the weekends workouts as well, not that the pain while resting was bad but the tooth has been very sensitive (understatement of the year - it was bad at certain times and I didn’t want to take a chance) to fluids in general and I like to drink a lot on the bike, plus I was still taking the IB so probably not a good mix. My endodontist appt is tomorrow so I should be back ready to go on Wednesday for my ramp test! I’m going to try and get on the bike tonight as most all pain as subsisted and the tooth is no longer sensitive as long as I don’t chew on that side, which I think I can manage while working out. :wink:

Anyway, not looking for any advice, just some commiseration. :slight_smile:

This reminded me I am having a molar pulled the 28th…root canal failed after a couple years. I have Palisade the following day - should be interesting!!

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I had a root canal done on a post tooth under a bridge…super expensive and alot of anesthesia. Two hour procedure…was on the trainer an hour later…you will be fine.


As long as you can still fuel properly it should be fine. This one was worse than my first one and eating has been very deliberate and a chore.

I know I should be fine the day after. I’m going to be excited to eat normally again and fuel for the test!

Funny, I just got off the phone scheduling an emergency dentist appt myself. I also dislike painkillers but I’ve been on Ibu for a few days now. My philosophy is that if it allows me to sleep and get some training in, then a few days of painkillers is fine.

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Been there! The feeling afterwards is a breeze compared to trying to train with the pain!

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Good luck! I completely agree about the painkillers, hopefully you’ll be off soon and the pain doesn’t get worse still allowing you to train.

When I read the thread title “Training through a root canal” I was thinking how hard it would be for the dentist to work on you when you’re on the bike trainer :laughing:

Sorry to hear of your issues tho’!

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Damn you beat me to it :joy:


LOL that’s funny! “Doc, excuse the sweat”

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Unfortunately I have had a bunch of root canals and I never stopped training. Sometimes I blame my teeth issues on excessive training. I also started to blame my hacky dentist because things just never seemed right. I had a root canal get infected two years ago. So just last week I went to a new dentist and found out I have 3 infected root canals, a few small fillings that need fixed and a gold crown that the cement is failing. I’m super freakin bummed out. This will surely cost thousands and thousands. :frowning: Oh well…I just decided to rant a little when I saw this thread.

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Root canal was a success! I did a workout last night since the pain had subsided and will do my ramp test tomorrow.

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Rant away! That sounds awful though. Thankfully I have had no such issues and I think my dentists are top notch. Good luck! Let us know of your progress.

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You’re probably not going to want to do a ride the day after an extraction. I had a molar pulled in December (same thing, past root canal that went bad) and was told by the oral surgeon to take at least a couple days off from exercising afterwards so that there would be no problem with the clot as a result of blood pressure bump from exercise. Otherwise you run the risk of developing dry socket. Talk with your surgeon beforehand.

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Oral surgeon said 3 days - Monday at the earliest. Day after getting tooth extracted…no way I’d want to get on bike on bike today. Energy is just gone. I did Carter early yesterday before extraction and felt great.

Ended up having a small hole into sinus cavity so between my body trying to fix that and eating soft foods only it’d be no good. Pushed my ramp test out to Tuesday with Pettit on Monday. See how I feel then - not 20 or 30 years old anymore…body needs more time than I’d like to think I need to recover.

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