The Myth of FTP

It really depends on what you want to do with the data and how precise you want to get. Sure, it’s not a statistical study in a lab, but is that level of control really necessary to draw meaningful conclusions on some of these topics?
I don’t think so.

The big show they plan to have will probably draw on this data and their other knowledge, to come to conclusions and recommendations that should be useful, IMHO. I doubt we will have anything earth-shattering or “new”.

Rather, I think we will see more practical results and demonstrations of the “common wisdom” that shows how well they “can work” when certain things are done and followed well. It can’t and won’t cover every aspect of things like diet, sleep, etc. since that isn’t in the data. But things like plan adherence, total training time and TSS, and general trends in things like typical performance gains (FTP and the entire PR range) are likely worthwhile even if they aren’t precise and tightly controlled.

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