Testing for Aerobic Decoupling

Hmm. that may be individual because I haven’t seen that. Here is an older post talking a bit about it:

and the pic from that post

a couple of notes:

  • that is for a segment that started after a 15-25 minute warmup
  • focusing on time period from November 2016 thru April 2017 my aerobic capacity increased substantially in March however I have a December 11th effort at 0.99 IF and -4.3% decoupling

Here are my two ‘worst ever decoupling’ effort on that segment, one happened just 2 days ago:

May 2020:

9.2% decoupling as part of a 3x15 tempo with bursts workout.

April 2021:

8% decoupling on a non-steady state 4x4.5 minute zone5 ‘controlled vo2max’ (not full gas) intervals.