Should I have waited?

Good decision. Do not…I repeat…do not manually adjust your FTP. roll with your current FTP, and allow adaptive training to do its thing and (more than likely), increase the progression levels of your workouts. You will make true gains, and more importantly, gain solid knowledge and intuition about what zones should feel like.

I learned the hard way in 2018, when I was “chasing numbers”, and manually upping my FTP. I got stronger, but it was fools gold, and didn’t realize my potential for the hours invested. BTW, I’m 51 years old, so definitely have learned about the importance of recovery, and training WITHIN my ability. the climb upwards is a slow and steady slog as a masters athlete, but gains WILL come. be patient. it just takes discipline and time.

note: AI FTP detection gave me a 2% increase recently (251-256 watts)…and for me, it is right on target. I am a triathlete, so I focus on sustained power…so my ceiling (FTP), is closer to my roof (VO2 max)…and therefore ramp test gives me a slightly lower FTP…but I historically would still roll with it.

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