Sharing progress with peeps who "get it"

Hello fellow athletes!

Just wanted to share my happiness with everyone!

I took 2 months off in May and June this year because race cancellations and pandemic stress caused a dramatic loss of motivation. A race opportunity appeared in my inbox in July and proved enough motivation to get started again. At the time, I knew that in all likelihood this race would also be cancelled, but I wasn’t about to look the proverbial gift horse in the mouth.

Since July, I’ve manged to train smarter and more consistently than ever before. I really feel as though I’ve found a groove that allows me to swim, bike and run week in and week out without injury while spending time with my family and working a variable schedule as an athletic therapist. Mentally, I’ve given myself permission to take days off if I’m feeling too tired.

The result?

Swimming (as consistent as the current situation will allow) is down to 1:35min / 100m in my 1km TT.

Running: Feels great. Feels easy. Feels light. Speed will come, but I’m not injured and am enjoying myself.

Bike: This is where my family doesn’t quite “get it”. If you don’t train with power, it’s a difficult concept to convey. My July ramp assessment was 250W, good for 3.1w/kg after my 8 weeks off, down from 268W in April. Then in August I was up to 266W (3.45W/kg) and yesterday I nailed it with 278W (3.6 W/kg).

In 3 years with TR, I’m pretty close to my FTP PB but with more energy and more mental. I do this for fun, and am always looking to learn (thanks TR podcast!) and reassess what is or isn’t working for me.

And right now, things are going very well.

#feelgood #happy #patontheback


Sounds like you’ve been able to put it all together and are either faster, or well on your way to being faster! Consistency is key and sounds like you’ve got that and a smart mindset about training so keep at it!!!

Well done!

It sounds like you’ve found the unicorn.

You’re fit and healthy, mentally in a good place and your numbers are on the up-and-up.

Congratulations! Fingers crossed, you get an event in your calendar :+1:

Always feels great when you are in a groove and things just seem to be fitting together. It can be hard balancing progress with family/friends whilst also not feeling overworked or under too much internal pressure, especially as a triathlete.

Keep at it!

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Way to go! You are doing fantastic. Consistency and gains in all ways!