Recommended cooldown trainerroad workout for ITT and Road Race

What would be the recommended cooldown trainerroad workout after ITT or Road Race? Is it important to cooldown?

Whatever you feel like doing. This is not critical and most just lightly spin for however long they feel like. Whether you do or don’t do a cool down won’t matter, but for some it just feels better to spin for 5-20 mins at the end of a hard workout/race.

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Cooldowns can be really beneficial – especially after a hard ride like a TT or race of any sort. They help to clear out your muscles of all the junk you’ve accumulated during hard efforts. Something easy is best in this situation – just enough to get the blood flowing. :anatomical_heart:

Assuming you’d want these to be relatively short most of the time, I’d personally recommend something like Pennington or Ontakesan, but you can filter through the workout library for “Active Recovery” workouts and pick any that suit your needs!