Pro/Elite training

Interesting interview with Pog


The best part was when Pog said power meters aren’t reliable. To the confusion of the interviewer and myself. Pog then followed that stating that he uses Shimano, lol. Well there’s the problem right there! Also, Pog does endurance rides at 320-340 :flushed:.


The tippy top of my VO2 Max lol.

Imagine having a Zone 2 of ~5w/kg :flushed:


A recent GCN video “What Training Are The Pros REALLY Doing In 2025?”

Including interviews with Jeroen Swart, Jack Haig, Toms Skujiņš

My takeaways from a quick watch through

  • training for more of the year, rather than taking two months off at the end of the season
  • measuring more things more accurately and using the data to focus workouts more specifically
  • more time in training camps (at altitude)
  • less “free ride / just go out on the bike” riding
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Interesting to see Jonas’s lead in to the Alula tour. Lots of heat training starting a ways out but the last week has a good amount of volume and some nice taper/intensity leading up to the race.

“Last hard day” in Mallorca was 200k with 5500kj.
Ride had 2x 3x 2m at ~550w and 1x 5x1m at ~650w

Next day was last day of camp, another 200k but mostly endurance/tempo with 5600kj.

After a couple days of travel it was straight into a hot workout.

more endurance and heat training

A final prep workout, short at only 2hr but after a quick warmup had 20m at 360, 3x3m at 430, 3x2m at 480-520 and 5x1m at 530-600w.

Then one final heat session and on to racing.


Now that the race is over and he has the benefit of hindsight, I would be interested to ask him if he would have done anything differently in his preparation.