Pre event Nutrition

SO for those who had some good advice, post-ride update.
Woke at 3:45 am ate my usual solid pre-event meal, Coffee (instant) at 4:15 am. Espresso coffee pre-event at 6 am. Race start at 6:30 am

Things went well energy levels were fantastic, in fact, a little too good. The first 55kms was done at an if of .98 Norm power was my FTP for the first 2 hours. Stopped at the first feed to re-water but after that, the wheels fell off but I assume it was the result of going too hard too early.
after this, I seriously underestimated the severity of the course. Numerous climbs and pinches with a gradient exceeding 15% with several over 20%. The last one coming with just 15kms to go at 23%.
This was one super tough ride, one which I went far too hard early on for.

I finished the entire ride at .90 IF based on that I should be reviewing FTP or is that about right?
I thought that for a ride of 5+ hours one would be aiming for a .8 IF?