Powertap G3 AMP 35 Wheels from Rim to Disc


I have the above wheels, and have just bought a new disc braked bike. I take it there’s no economic way to migrate over and that I should just sell them and buy new ones. Shame, as I’ll lose money in the process, thoughts?

Note, I have just serviced the rear one at the cost of £178.



The only way to make them disc compatible is to buy new hubs abd switch them over…but good luck finding one of the disc-brake PowerTap hubs,. They stopped producing all their hubs last year, I think.

  • Not entirely true.

  • So, it would pay to check specs closely if you are looking at any used products, or NOS (New Old Stock) that may be hiding anywhere.

Thanks for the advice power13 and clashed. Yeah think I’ll do the same, I’ve put on fb marketplace and see what I’ll get for them, I think I’ll do the same, get some Hunt wheels and a garmin pedal power meeter, they’re just so pricey. I thought the idea of using the wheels worked really well and saved some cash. Got to pay half as much as my new bike for a decent set of wheels and a power meter now.

that’s the spec. So if it had the 6 x bolt option then this could work?


There is no “simple or easy” conversion. The hubs for rim brake version are not compatible or able to be “converted” to disc brake versions.

The entire hub shell is different between the two brake versions. You are best to just look for new wheels, IMO.

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Thanks Chad, think you’re right, I have listed the wheels, see what I get for them, if not enough, I’ll put them on wife’s bike.