PM paired but not showing watts

Previously I’ve used a bike with an ant+ PM in conjunction with a samsung phone to run TR.
Yesterday I tried with a different bike which has a verve infocrank, also ant+, which said it was paired with good signal strength but displayed nothing (–) in all the fields.
Batteries are new, putting the phone next to the PM made no difference. If I use my Garmin I get my watts displayed so PM is transmitting just fine.
Any ideas why I’m having problems?

I’d recommend shooting our Support Team an email at They are the experts on this sort of thing and should be able to get your power meter up and running smoothly with just a few troubleshooting steps :+1:.

We look forward to hearing from you!

I did just that. Didn’t occur to me straight away. Duh!
They were very helpful. I’ll try their suggestions and see what happens.