Is this a new thing on the forum? You’re only allowed to post once every 8 hours? Seems like a great way to stop discussion.
This has come up before, iirc it was on contentious subjects with people reporting lots of post to mods, so delay was added in to stop people replying in the heat of the moment in an attempt to calm it down.
The slowdown is a feature (auto & manual) used to deal with overly hot topics. Triggered from some number of flags (not sure the #) or any mod can do it too. It’s meant to give some mandated cool down time between posts. I have not followed the topic and leave those that tend to get heated in the able hand of TR reps these days.
Yeah, I regard it as a “walk away, leave them to it” indicator.
The trigger topics haven’t changed much over the years.
I agree
Yup, by the time threads get that heated I’ve never seen anyone change their opinion, it’s best just to close the thread, have a brew and let them get on with it.
Rember arguing with on the Interweb is like wrestling a pig. Afterwards, you’re both dirty, but the pig likes it.
Never seen a thread go into slow mode where discussion wasn’t over with anyway. As someone said above by the time it gets to that point no one’s mind is being changed.
This is a much better option than just locking everything, which almost never happens here since usually everyone is pretty civil. These cool off periods probably also help.
I think that message is stuck on, though. I went into that thread this morning, and the message was on and then someone posted, and the message was still on.
That’s because I think it’s per person. If you post, you have to wait 8 hours to post again.
It’s designed to get rid of bickering back and forth when people get heated.
I didn’t see anything wrong or negative in that thread. I guess they don’t want us comparing AIFTP to other FTP test or whatever.
I don’t know. My last post in that thread was 4d ago.
The AI must be forecasting what I’d like to say.
“You must wait 8 hours before arguing about the definition of FTP again” is not a terrible feature to have in a cycling forum.
I could see the message this morning, but still let me post.
That’s highly unlikely they did it for that reason. There are numerous AIFTPD comparison threads ongoing with one still active in the last week besides this one.
One reason you may not see an issue there is the potentially problematic post may have been removed already. So present state is not a clear indication in many cases of the contentious topics I’ve seen over the years.
So is this thread the wrong place to ask if FTP = 1 hr power?
If I only had this on iMessages. I’d likely not be divorced. However, I’d be really depressed!
Five years ago someone posted a “Wherein I am sick of people complaining about FTP testing” thread. Loved that title.
Community management; it’s an overhead.
Forums use plenty of “dark art” methods to demote hot topics and users. We’re guests in the TR house.
Hey there,
I’m just confirming that we do indeed use that feature to slow things down on overly heated threads where people have begun to argue a bit too… passionately with one another. It will also automatically be triggered if too many posts are flagged as inappropriate.
Basically, it’s simply a way to keep threads tidy and civil. Nobody has much fun when arguments dissolve into an unproductive mess.
99% of the threads on here won’t have that limitation set on them, though.