New Feature - TrainNow

Guess you are rested :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hey I scrolled through the thread from here down but did not see a confirmation. @SeanHurley did the bug with outdoor workouts sent to a wahoo with trainnow/AT get fixed? I’ve been avoiding using the feature entirely because of this but would very much like to try it out sometime soon.

Same here. It did make me lol, since i got the vaccine it has said only these types of workouts!

I am not in adaptive training yet, but maybe I’m wrong here. Train now gives you productive workout suggestions for each day, So based on my picture would that mean my VO2MAX is around a level 8.5, threshold around 3 and endurance 5.9? I did finish a whole plan With criterium as my specialty specialty. So that makes sense why my VO2MAX would be so high


Just trying to get my head around the new TR stuff but the TrainNow looks interesting

Am I correct in thinking that it’ll take into account my training/riding out on the road when suggesting workouts with TrainNow?

Despite what it looks like outside, we’re heading in to summer here so I wouldn’t normally be using TR much over the next few months but if this new feature and the adaptive training are as good as they sound then I may well be using them to try and train on my outdoor rides and commutes.

You can’t take any individual workout to get that. They can vary by a decent amount. I sampled a bunch of times, 30+, and recorded the different zones that crossed endurance, sweetspot, threshold, VO2 and tempo.

Standard deviation on the levels was ± .6 or more IIRC

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I don’t thik so - so far the adaptive functions have been unable to take into account anything outdoors (or IIRC it might be able to read TR outside workouts recorded on a Garmin but not Wahoo???) but it certainly isnt looking at any unstructured rides you just decided to do outdoors.


I would say Yes. Last week was my recovery week so all endurance rides. I did them all outside (pushed to my Garmin) and yesterday TN recommended a climb workout. First time it’s never recommended endurance.

That’s the TR teams aim, I am unsure where they have got too with it, I don’t think everything is getting picked up at the moment :thinking:

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  • TN will take all your rides into account for recommending a category (endurance, climbing, attacking)

  • TN will only use trainerroad workouts (inside, or outside with some caveats) for updating your progression levels, and thus for recommending a workout of the appropriate level within one of the categories


Not if you use a wahoo head unit. Still broken months into this launch.

I’m confused. What does the head unit or brand of head unit have to do with this?

It’s getting there.

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 I didn’t know about that. I haven’t been doing “outside workouts” nor can I see the Progression Levels (not in the AT beta), but I have been uploading indoor and outdoor rides. Train Now has been changing the recommendation accordingly. For example, if I rest or do an easy ride, it will recommend Climbing. But a day or two of intensity and it changes to Endurance.

So partially broken :man_shrugging:

Kinda. That’s my take after reading the AT FAQ.
The TR crew are being pretty upfront about all the bugs they’re trying to resolve. If you go back to the OP in each of the AT/TN threads there are updates and links to the support articles.

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hey everyone! I’m the Product Manager for TrainNow and I wanted to chime in and clarify a few things about the recent updates:

  • TrainNow’s “recommended” workout on a given day DOES take into account your non-TR rides. Part of the updated TrainNow logic looks at several different ride metrics (not ones specific to adaptive training!) in making its determination. I can’t get into too many specifics on exactly how this works, but I hope that clears up some confusion. We wanted TN to be smart enough to recognize if you had a big day yesterday and to not recommend you do a hard Climbing or Attacking ride today. In almost all cases we don’t think this would be the right workout for our athletes to get faster. We also wanted some guard rails to discourage athletes from doing the same zone every day since that is also very unlikely to be the best way to get faster.
  • We’ve seen some of your recent posts about TN only recommending Endurance rides and this is something our engineers are currently looking into. Again, without spilling how our algorithm works, many athletes are being recommended Endurance rides because their other rides TN is seeing are pretty taxing physiologically. If you’re doing group rides or hard tempo rides solo, we think most athletes would benefit from some rest before doing a Productive Climbing or Attacking workout.
  • One of the biggest challenges in developing TrainNow is making it perfect for every use case and every athlete’s unique training capacity, history, and other factors. We are obviously super stoked that so many people are using and enjoying the feature, but I do need to reiterate that it’s not meant to replace a periodized training plan (or as a substitute for your prescribed workout today) and is best suited for an athlete who either ISN’T on a training plan, or as a supplement to a training plan. Many of us at TR use it to supplement a low volume plan and we think it works great for that.
  • As Adaptive Training gets rolled out more and more, TrainNow will continue to get smarter. We added the “Recommended” tag based on our own data and principles for making our athletes faster. However, like my previous point, we are looking at how to increase the unique specificity of this aspect of TN . If for some reason you want to ignore the Recommendation, that’s why we still offer the other two workouts :wink:

This is great information David. Thanks so much for the update. Train Now is an impressive feature - while AT is anticipated to be a game changer if it fully takes into account all types of rides (TR inside, TR outside, unstructured/solo outside/group rides/racing/events), TN provides a great casual and easy way to do smart training sessions without the stress of following a plan. Great work.

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Another great example of the TR team being responsive and responsible to subscribers. Thanks, David.

And yes, pretty darn impressive tool as is, and great to hear we can anticipate more.


I’ve asked elsewhere but do we have confirmation if the wahoo head unit bug ever got fixed? Does train now even recognize any ride that was recorded with a wahoo (in the context of it looking at non-TR workouts).

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