Massively Tight Hip Flexors When I Started On the Trainer

I’d never noticed any issue with my HFs until I started getting a sore lower ‘5’ back (a local cross race triggered it). It was a friend of mine that runs a gym who diagnosed it…took one look at me and told me he could SEE how tight they were…my posture was way off. I just wasn’t feeling it in the HFs but the back did. I sit at a desk all day and am more susceptible…but my legs are strong (years of leg lunges playing badminton)

He gave me some stretching exercises to do , starting easy, and within 2 weeks I’m good again. It’s helped my biking quite a bit…I feel fluid/faster. But it’s something to constantly maintain, and a good core matches it/is key. I stretch them for about 15mins and do about 15 mins of ‘yoga for cyclists’ after every ride. Off days are core work. My RMT also helps free them up too now that he knows what to target.

I hope you get to the bottom of it.

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